part 14

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it was my first day at the base today and I was putting my uniform on when Jay just walked into my room and laid flat first onto my bed.

"come in then," I said putting my boots on and Jay just groaned.

"What is the matter, Jay," I asked.

"I am bored," he said.

"and what do you want me to do about it," I said.

"I don't know," he said.

"well I got to go I will see you at 6 don't kill anyone or break anything," I said and kissing him don't the head.

"byyyeee" he said as I walked out.

I got into Jay's truck and drove over there. once got over there I signed in got my badge, got the registration for my classes for the day and made my way to where they all were parading. when I got there I saw thousands of recruits in different uniforms formed up whilst their commander was briefing them.

"you all have your classes for today you know who you are supposed to be with today when you fall out you will go to your assigned teachers who are behind me and you will form up in front of them. you will treat them respect you will listen to them do you all understand" the commander said. and they all shouted "yes sir"

"good now fall out and go to your teachers," he said.

everyone spilt up and around twenty army cadets where stood in front of me formed up. "hello ladies and gents I will do registration then we can talk n the class alright"

"Albie" - "present ma'am"

"Bentley" "present ma'am"

"Brandon"  "present ma'am"

"Braxton"  "present ma'am"

"Carson"   "present ma'am"

"carbett"   "present ma'am"

"Harland"   "present ma'am"

"Jackson"   "present ma'am"

"Jefferson"  "present ma'am"

"Killian"    "present ma'am"

"Landon" "present ma'am"

"mount"  "present ma'am"

"Myles"    "present ma'am"

"newton"  "present ma'am"

"Preston" "present ma'am"

"Queens" "present ma'am"

"Richardson" "present ma'am"

"and Wright" "present ma'am"

"good well please follow me," I said after falling them out.

we all walked through the hallways and into a quite average classroom. everyone sat down quietly and I started.

"Hello, ladies and gents I am staff Sargent Cassandra Smith you can either call me smith or ma'am my first name is not acceptable for you to use. whilst you are doing your basic training I will be teaching you all about medicine in the military. how you will be doing everything n the front line and at your base and how to handle different injuries in different conditions. for the first couple of lessons, we will be in this room and we will be learning and quizzing on the things we need to learn and then when you have that all drilled into your head we will start the practical stuff and be getting your hands dirty" 

*5 hours later*

it had been a long day but very successful all of the cadets were brilliant and it was nice to see some females in the crowd.

I had just walked through to see the apartment dark and also quiet like nobody heard I decided to go see if Jay was in his room but he wasn't so instead I went straight to the kitchen and started to cook food I was making some chicken nuggets and some curly fries because I couldn't be bothered to make something more complex and whilst that was in the oven I went into my room to go get out of this uniform.

but when I got there I saw a sleeping Jay laid on my bed, I moved a bit closer and a that he had a weighted blanket on him that I bought him for when his PTSD was getting a bit out of had and also his eyes were all blotchy and read which made him seem like he was crying but I didn't want to wake him just yet so I got changed and then decided to wake him.

"Hey Jay," I said and he opened his eyes a little bit and he hummed.

"I have food in the oven you want some," I asked and he nodded.

I went back into the kitchen and plated the food up and walked back into my room and sat his plate on the bedside table.

"I see you are using the blanket you doing okay bud," I said which knew was a stupid question but.

"nightmare and triggers have become more frequent but it is probably because the4th of July is coming up soon," he said.

"what you gonna do because I know that the firehouse is setting up a firework display and I know med and intelligence are going," I said.

"yeh Adam has been bugging me and mouse about it but I don't want anything bad to happen but would go," he said.

"well how about we go and let me sort out the loud noises part," I said getting an idea

"what you thinking," he asked curiously.

"do you know them noise-cancelling ear muff things," I said and he shook his head no.

"well people that are on the autism scale and other liabilities and problems with loud noises wear them when they are overstimulated I think it is called and it helps them and I have seen that most veterans wear them when it is the 4th too so they can have fun but not freak out which I think is an amazing invention," I said.

"oh wow," he said amazed.

"They are quite cheap so I am going to buy some for the firework display because I know a lot of people have problems with loud noises," I said.

"Have I ever told you how much of an amazing and selfless person you are is it truly amazing," he said hugging me.

"Thanks, Jay," I said hugging him back.

when we finished eating food I turned on a documentary and we both fell asleep in bed.

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