chapter 42

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it was now Friday and the past couple of weeks had been hectic. the kids were finally allowed to go home on Thursday since the police were finished searching the house for more drugs and they found a lot more bricks than we had imagined which then caused my mum to now be in Jail for a very very long time we were just waiting on a sentence. Crissie had shown up that Thursday since she didn't come home or get in contact with everyone after she walked out that night, she demanded Bobby a divorce saying that she couldn't deal with the baggage that came with him which then caused problems with the kids but both parents made a deal that it would be split custody because of Bobby's job and man them, poor kids, I wouldn't wish being a divorce kid on my enemy especially at a young age.

anyway other than all the horrible stuff the twins were finally able to come home, they had no trouble over the last couple of days and they had no reason for the doctors to keep them in the hospital. 

it was 1oclock and we were set to pick them up at 2 so we got the car seats in Jay's truck same with the baby bags and we set off to med.

we walked through into the NICU and into the baby room to see their doctors taking all the wires of the babies.

"Hey guys just in time I have the discharge papers ready and you can get these babies home," the doctor said and walked out to get the papers.

"let's get these babies in their seats," Jay said kissing Aurora's head and placing her in the car seat, I did the same with Elijah and covered them with blankets it might be April but it is still cold out.

the doctor came in and we signed the forms. "there we go now you guys can take to twins home congratulations and good luck" the doctor said we both said thank you and walked out of the nicu.

we made our way through the ED and Natalie waved at us but her Jaw dropped when she realised our hands weren't empty.

she walked up to us. "oh there gorgeous guys congrats" she said

we thanked her and continued to walk out and then we drove home, Jay drove whilst I sat in the back with the twins in case there was something wrong it all went smoothly the entire ride and we walked into our apartment to see everyone there the unit except Voight and olinsky, my family and Will.

"what are you guys doing here," I asked.

"ask Jay he invited us all" Hailey said pointing to her partner.

"what did you," I said putting Elijah's seat down and taking him out.

"what I thought they come home today and only will and Hailey have met the twins there all eager to meet them so why not now," he said doing the same as I did with Aurora.

I shrugged and we walked over to everyone and passed the babies over to people so they can all get a snuggle. Elijah was with my dad and Aurora was with Platt.

"so you gonna tell us the names or are they just going to be called the Halstead twins," Kim said I was sitting next to Hailey when Jay looked at me when I gave him the go ahead and everyone looked at him.

"so little man is called Elijah William halstead and Bug is called Aurora Hailey Halstead," he said and everyone said how much they loved their names.

everyone had a snuggle with the twin except the younger one so I had each of them sit down and I put the twin in their arms and they took turns holding them except emma because she was 17 now and I trusted her with the twins.

"hey emma you got a job," Jay said.

"no, not yet why" she replied.

"well when the kids are a little older we are going to need a babysitter," he said.

"urmm yeah sure call me and ill be there," she said and Jay looked at me.

"bam date nights are solved," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"we are not going to be having date nights for a long time buddy," I said picking up Rory.

he gasped and said "what do you not love me," he said dramatically.

"so dramatic it's unreal how do you put up with him during work," I asked Hailey.

"how have you put up for him for 20 years is the real question," she asked.

"he's cute and I love his eyes," I said going to get a blanket so I could breastfeed rory since she was getting nasty.

"thank you I am cute," he said.

"deflate your ego halstead," I said.

after a while, everyone went home and left us," how about we feed then put them in their new room and then eat.  " Jay said and we nodded we fed the babies and put them in their cots that they will only be having naps in during the day, not night because takes less time getting the when they walk up.

we went and ate food. and the rest of the day consited of dirty nappies and crying babies.

 and the rest of the day consited of dirty nappies and crying babies

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the babies nurseries expect without the animals about the crib there initials will be there.

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