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it was the day after my little episode and i got a call from goodwin saying that i could come back next tuesday and seems s though it was now a thursday it didnt bother me to much.

jay was at work doing some paper work whilst i decided to just clean and organize and clean some more the entire day that ealy morning i clean the entire house the kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom did all of the washing i started at around half 8 and finish at 1 oclock so a quite a while. 

i had gotten into the car and drove down to the super market to get food which we were desperately low on i mean all we had in the fridge and cupboards was some kidney beans some cheese and a jar or pickles. when i arrived i grabbed the shopping list and my wallet and walked into tje store but not before getting a shopping trolley.

i grabbed my list and looked at it it was longer than i expected and i new that it was going to take hours to get everything we needed.


I had gotten half of the things we needed when my phone started to ring but i didnt look before answering it.

"hello" i asked still grabbing food from the shelves.

"hey aunt cass" emma asked.

"hey kid whats up" i asked.

"i asked my mum if me and the others can go to yours tonight for a bit and she said yes but only if you say yes" she asked.

"oh well i will let you know in a bit  just gotta ask jay if he has any friends with him that are coming round but i will call you back kiddo" i said.

"okay" she said and hung up.

i then look through my contacts and click on jays. after only a couple rings he answers.

"halstead" he said obviously not looking at who it was.

"hey jay you busy." i asked moving onto the next isle.

"not im just doing paperwork why whats up you need me to come home" he asked worriedly.

"no no i am perfectly fine but i was wondering if it is okay for emma and the kids to come round tonight for some food " i asked.

"i mean yeh thats fine" he said.

"you sure i thought you might have had friens over" i said.

"nah not tonight but you can have the kids over not a problem" he said.

"okay i will see you when you get back" i said and hung up. 

after about another half an hour of shopping i had finally made it home  and i started to put all of the food away in the cupboards, fridge and freezer except the food that i was gonna make. 


it has just turned two so i was going to walk to the park across the street from the school where i can meet the kids. obviously i wasnt going to have all of the kids seems as though some where way to young so i just had Emma, jackson, billy and mason. 

i hadnt met mason and the other two might only remember me vaigely but. then i saw then walk across the street they obviously saw me because jackson and blly ran up to me and dove in for a hug screaming aunt cass.

"hey boys wow you have really grown up" i said and walked over gave emma a kiss on the head and knelt down in front of mason.

"hey mason i am your aunt cass you have met me yet" i said shaking his little hand.

"hi Emma told me a lot about you saying your finny and really nice so i am happy to meet you " he said hugging me.

"so kids the plan is we will be walking home i will leet you do homework if you have any whilst u cook tea then Jay will come home we will eat and do something else fun how does that sound" i sked as we walked down the street.

they all agreed and we chattered about there day at school.


when we made it home i let the kids sit at the table and do some home work, Emma was doing spanish and social, both jackson and billy were doing math, and mason had spelling and number work. 

i did the cooking which didnt last very long and started to plate it up when i heard the door open and close.

"i am home" jay shouted.

"good timing food is plated up kids come get your food" i said. i obviously put masons plate wear h was sat so he didnt hurt him self and e all sat eating laughing and joking.

it was nice spending time with the kids even tho bobby didnt know the were hear which i was definitely going to hear about it after this all ends but it is totally worth it.

"hey emma does your dad know anything about this" i asked as me emma and jay were all in the kitchen and the boys were setting up a game of monopely for us al.

"he wont know because he is at a busniess meeting in New York so yeh he probably wont go crazy like he normally does" she said.

"what do you mean by that em" i asked.

"dad get very angry a lot especially at me, billy and jackson some time the other two but rarely and he shout and argys a lot with mum its quiet scary" she said honestly.

"hey its fine i understand i hand the same problem with that with my mum and dad but what i did was when i would get really bad i would go to jays house seems as tho he live across the street and stay with him for the night so i want you to call me if you or your other siblings get scared no matter what time of day it is i will be there okay"  i said.

"okay" she said.


we played a couple or rounds of monoploy until there mum came to pick them up for the night. me and then talked a bit and we both went to bed completely tired.



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