chapter 16

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at the end of the video, everyone was laughing whilst I was staring at the boys.

"you seriously bet on me and Jay," I said.

"well technically I didn't bet on anything," Mouse said pointing it out.

what did you do with the money" Jay asked as we walked over to our seats?

"umm I think it is with me in my stuff," Jake said sitting down

the man from the start came up and said"well that was definitely and an amazing way to finish the night and an announcement there will still be serving drinks when the food comes around for everyone and also don't go crazy on the alcohol please" he said and left the stage we all ate and drank and talked as the night came to an end.

I was sat talking to the people from med when Andrew came up behind me and said "hey I heard from someone that you could be getting promoted at some point"

I turned around shocked and said "wait what what for"

"for the work you're doing at the base the base commander is very happy at how you are teaching the cadets and saying that because of you them cadets have a bright future," he said.

"oh wow, I wasn't expecting that," I said.

"hey I don't know if it has been finalised but there is a big chance," he said walking off.

"what was that all about," Goodin asked me.

"umm I might be getting promoted," I said.

"oh wow," April asked.

"yeh I know," I said.

we talked a bit more until I excused myself to go talk to Jake who was signalling me over.

"Hey, what's up," I said.

"Just wanted to talk," he said.

"what about," I asked.

"We still need to talk about what happen the night before you left," he said.

"jake" I whined.

"Look I know you don't wanna talk about it but I think we should," he said.

"Which part," I said.

"both," he said.

"look I meant what I said when I said about me always being available with going back there," I said.

"Does Jay know or even mouse look cass I know this is your life but I mean you could be deployed back there any day know and quite frankly I don't want you dieing?" he said.

"look I do know if they know that I can still be deployed okay but I will tell them and it isn't the end of the world if I do get sent back I have been doing this since I was 19 and was training from the age of 18 this is my life and has been the best part of my life, yeah it has caused some problems but it is still my life and I can't just walk away from it and never know look back you now this," I said.

"I know I'm sorry," he said hugging me "and the other thing," I said.

"We need to sus out what is going to happen since we slept together I don't know how many times," he said.

"I don't know what you want me to say Jake it happened and I don't know if you want to for it to re-kindle or you just want to leave it because we are both in different situations and you know that," I said.

"me neither I mean you know I have always had some sort of feeling for you since basic training and I still have them feeling and I know you have the same feelings," he said.

"how do you always know my feelings I don't get it" I laughed.

"I am magic,," he said. after a moment of silence, I said "how about you come to mine for a bit I am sure that Jay will probably still be out with his team so he won't bother us" I said.

"yeah sure," he said.

we both finished our drinks and we headed out but not before we said our goodbyes to everyone. whilst walking home Jake had his arm around my shoulders and his head. we walked into my apartment and we just drank for the rest of the night and he left taking an uber.

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