chapter 17

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it had been a couple of days since the Gala and I was at the base and it was the day we were starting the first practical lesson. we were all in the classroom with equipment in front of everyone.

"Okay guys and ladies it is the first practical lesson and today is gunshot wounds. what will happen is I will demonstrate for you all and then you will partner up and whilst one of you is doing it the other will assess then I will come round to make sure you are doing it correctly and I will guide you if you make a mistake just to warn you this work will be graded but it is also not a big deal at all we can always come back and we can become better just please don't overthink it off you go " I said and I sat on the table in front of the class when drill Sargent Keith came in.

"Sargent," I said.

"hey just want to let you know that the entire base will be doing a parade today and it is right at the end of the day that also includes you just wanted to let you know he said.

"yeah not a problem," I said.

"what you doing with these," he asked.

"gunshot wounds," I said.

"interesting" he said.

"very," I said back and he left.

they all had ago so it was now my time to assess them all I was not through in alphabetical order and it took around 45 minutes to go through all of them and it was time to change over and they all left. that happened for the rest of the classes today and it's time for the parade.

I walked out and saw thousands of soldiers and cadets forming up and I took my stance in the middle.

"Okay everyone before you all leave we have some people we need to promote today," Drill Sargent said.

"First we are going to rank is Mason Green to Sargent," he said and the boy came out marching saluted and shook his hand, and formed back up.

"second we have Jasmine Carter to Sargent also," he said and she did the same.

"our last promotion isn't just going to be promoted up once but twice so can Cassandra Smith please come up and be promoted to master sergeant please," he said looking at me and I froze when I heard my name.

I marched up did my thing and collected the ranking and marched back. we did the rest of the parade but wasn't there I felt weird and I didn't know why.

I got into my car after everything and drove back home well it wasn't really my car the military gave me it to get there and back home. when I walked through the door and saw that the intelligence unit was there.

"Hello miss army person," Adam said.

"hey Ruzek," I said walking into the kitchen that you could see from the living room.

"you good cass" Jay asked.

"Yeah just need to talk my meds," I said coming back with them in my hand and a bottle of water. I jumped over the back of the couch and sat in between Jay and the arm of the chair.

"you sure you good you look a bit out of it," Kevin asks.

"Yeah I'm fine just one of my bad days," I said taking my medication.

"well, that isn't what your uniform says," Alvin said.

"what you mean," Erin asks

"well, why don't you ask cass because last time I saw you in your uniform your rank was a Staff Sargent," he said smirking.

"Cass what is he on about," Voight said.

"oh yeah, I got promoted to master sergeant like an hour ago," i said.

"what wait you got promoted up twice," Mouse said in disbelief.

non of them believe me so I took the rank of my chest and showed Jay.

holy shit you went and did it" he said.

"oh yeah," I said back. everyone congratulated me and Adam said "this deserves champagne" and most agreed.

"I saw some in the fridge," Kim said.

"you guys drink for me I have had a hard day and I need sleep," I said and everyone moaned.

"come on cass one drink" Antonio pleaded.

"okay one but let me get out of this horrible uniform," I said walking into my room.

I got changed into some joggers and one of Jay's army shirts that I stole from him and put my hair in two french platts and I walked out.

"hey is that my shirt," Jay said and I didn't miss the jealous look that Erin threw our way.

"glad you have eyes, Jay," I said.

"hey, I have been looking for that for I don't even know how long," he said.

"yeah okay Jay," I said rolling my eyes.

I had my first and only drink then I said "right I am off to sleep"

"night," everyone said.

"night cassie," Jay said.

"night bubs," I said giving him a kiss on his head.

I walked into my room and fell asleep almost instantly.

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