chapter 27

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*who knows how many months later* *thrid pov*

Cassie was alive, well barely she didn't know what day it was, the time it was, how long she had been there if the rest of her unit was alive, if someone was looking for her she knew nothing. well, all she knew is that she was somewhere in Afghanistan n a small dark room with the smallest hole in the wall.

since being with the kidnappers they didn't the same routine every day. they would come into the room dragging a chair behind them put he in the chair, then torture her for the next couple of hours trying to get me to spill things and every time failing everything they would then give up and leave with the chair and then put some food in my room cell sort of place to keep me alive to keep on torturing me.

after all of this, she knew exactly when they came and what everything looked like outside the door she could also determine how long it would take to leave from how many steps it took. she used this knowledge to try and outsmart them I mean it wasn't hard but they were very dangerous and needed to be safe.

after the last torture session or whatever you would call it. Cassie had surprisingly a lot of energy and strength. she stood up and made her way to the door to find it unlocked, these dumbasses, she looked left and right to see no guards and nothing for them to find out that she had escaped she took the left and slowly but steadily walked down the cold and dark corridor. after a while she had made it to the outside of the basement or what ever you want to call it.

she was about to make a run for it but then she heard a gunshot and English voices mixed with Afaganitan voices. she looked from when she was hiding and saw an American rescue unit. she didn't move from her spot to keep herself safe but looked for some kind of weapon she looked near one of the kills and saw a rifle, she didn't hesitate to make a run for it and grabbed the gun before running back thankfully unseen she checked the magazine of the gun to see it almost filled with bullets.

at this point Cassie couldn't care less if she survived so she just went for it she came out of her hiding and started shooting at the enemy, the rescue unit had noticed me and started to celebrate but still attack the enemy. I had run out of ammunition and ditched the gun trying to find something else until she heard a noise.

it was like a knife sort of noise like it was coming out of a case of something she slowly turned around and say some crazy guy with a massive Marchetti in his hand, he started swinging it towards me and I ran dodging every swing by like an inch every time. I had found something to protect myself with but it was too late I was about to shield myself from the big Marchetti but then he swung right across my face not enough to kill me but it hurt like a fucking bitch I didn't hesitate to run and protect myself I felt my face and I had a massive gash running from the top left of my forehead and straight down in between my eyes and right under my right eye and across my cheek.

 just kept running and running the fastest my legs would take me until I was out of enemy areas unharmed well to a certain degree.

I ran to where they had set up camp and there were men and women there.

"Hey guys," I said casually.

"smith you good" one of them said.

"nope, do you mind getting me to the hospital like now please," I said sitting down?

"no problem" one said running to the radios.

"how long was I gone," I asked.

"well from when you were taken to know is over 7 months," a woman said.

"oh shit what about the rest of the unit they're alive," I asked and they shook their heads no.

"non of them alive," I asked and she said grabbing some food and a first aid bag.

"We found most of them 4 months after and last month all dead you were the last one left and only one survived," she said.

"oh shit does everyone think you're dead," I asked.

"umm well most people think yes but there is always the odd one that still has hope your entire family and friends still think you're alive," she said.

"oh that's good they will be happy that am alive and well-ish and also retired for the military I cant do this shit anymore," I said.

"would be very surprised if you stayed," she said.

"I think I would be too," I said.

*over at the district in Chicago*

the last seven months for Jay had been a living nightmare first finding out cassie was MIA, Mouse left to the army, his ex-wife Abby had shown up saying that they were still married right as his and Erin had moved in and been happy, then broke up and Erin went off the rail causing her to get fired and then move to New York to join the FBI to protect her druggy of a mother without saying goodbye, he then had a new partner Hailey she was nice, he then shot a little girl killing her than getting involved with a criminal after a case and to top it all of Jake was dead they had found all of her units except her dead.

let's just say Jay had hit rock bottom and also broke Casie's promise when asking for help straight away he is getting help now but that ain't the point.

all he wanted and needed was Cassie he knew it, the unit knew it, will know it everyone knew it. what also he knew and everyone knew was he was in love with Casie like in love in love and he doesn't know if he will be able to tell her because she still hadn't been found and it killed him.

the army had given him quite a bit of update at the start but as time went on less and fewer updates happened and he started to think that they had lost hope in finding her after they found her unit body, but he never lost hope nobody did they all knew deep down she was still alive and holding on.

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