chapter 31

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it had been a couple of weeks since both mine and Jay's date and ten full weeks since was found, I had a doctors appointment to see if I was able to go back to work and get the cast of my hand that had been annoying me more than Jay does.

Jay had already seto f to work an hour ago and I was getting an uber to the hospital for my check up since I still wasn't able to drive. I walked into the ED and saw everyone running about like a headless chicken.

I sat down in the waiting room waiting for someone to come to get me. I was sat there for about ten minutes before I saw Ethan walking up to me with a smile on his face.

"what are you smiling at Choi," I said.

"at the fact that you will be coming back to work soon," he said.

"why can you not control these people," I said following him into a room.

"just mainly Will I mean I didn't realise how many people he can argue with it is ridiculous," he said shaking his head.

"oh I know unfortunately he got that from his father," I said sitting on the bed.

"so we are going to look at that scar on your face make sure it isn't infected which it probably isn't then we are going to get you an x-ray for that hand to make sure it has healed nice and if that is the case you will get that cast-off and you will be free to do anything," he said.

I nodded and he started to work on his iPad to get me an x-ray once he was finished nicely his took me dressing on my face and checked it all out.

"so that scar has healed nicely no infections but there will be a permanent scar across your face but it isn't that noticeable," he said a nurse then came in and said they were ready for an x-ray so they get me took me down to the x-ray room and did all that good stuff and it came back to my arm healing amazingly so they sent me to go get this cast-off.

I was back in the room I was originally in waiting for my discharge papers when Maggie came and handed them to me and said "I bet you are happy you do have to have your hand restricted now" 

"oh 100% I was going insane with it and it's worse with Jay around I forgot how overprotective he can be" I laughed sighing the papers.

"That reminds me I was wondering how jay was I know he had a bump in the road before you came back," she asked as I handed the forms back.

"he is getting there I mean a lot has happened but you know he is still having nightmares but very rarely which is good and therapy is helping him not a lot but enough to notice," I said.

"well that's good I think has helped him the most if that you are home and safe being in his arms," she said.

"you think so I don't think I make that much of a difference," I said.

"oh please you walk through a room and that boys face lights up like it is Christmas and I can speak or everyone that knows you too is that Jay looks at you like you hung the moon," she said.

I smiled a bit as she left the room I got of the bed and walked out and into the car park and waited for a taxi. on the way home I was still thinking about what maggie said and if that is how he feels and how in the world did I not notice how he looks at me.

when I walked through the door it was quiet and a nice peaceful quiet, I dropped my stuff and walked into the kitchen and got some food out ready for dinner tonight Jay wasn't due home in another 45 minutes or so, so I decided it would be best to start food now.

I was almost done with the food when he walked through the front door.

"babe" he shouted from the hallway.

"kitchen,"  said and I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"Hey baby," he said walking behind me and kissing my neck.

"Hey bub how was work," I said.

"it was the alright case was a bit gruesome but it was quite easy," he said "what you making"

"I am making a pasta bake and it is almost done so why don't you go shower get comfy and food will be done when you are finished," I said and he nodded making his way to the bathroom.

I finished food at dished it up on the plates and jay walked out of his room in just sone grey cotton shorts and his hair wet and going in every direction. we sat down to eat when he said "so what did the doctor say"

"well I am sure you have noticed my hand has fully healed my face has healed nicely and he said there were no problems with my ribs so he gave me the all-clear," I said taking the last bite of my food before putting my plate on the coffee table.

"and when you mean all clear you mean like everything," he said and I knew what he was hinting at.

"yes jay I can have sex and I can also drive," I said.

"So now that we can have sex and I have been waiting over 2 months well technically for years you wanna..." he said trailing off with a smile on his face.

"hmmm I ont know let me think on it," I said grabbing the plates and kissing him on the cheek as his smile dropped and I walked off to the kitchen with a smile on mine.

"babe comes on" he whined.

"come on what," I said in the same tone as I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher. I heard Jay walk over to me and he said" babe please" he leaned on my shoulder and pressed his body against my back anf I felt a poke on my back him having a boner.

"you are such a horny fuck" I said turning aound to see his gorgeous face.

"But you love this horny fuck" he said.

I kissed him once on the lips and said "you are gorgeous you know that right"

"I prefer the terms handsome or sexy," he said.

"well to me you are gorgeous," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bedroom.

"where we going," he asked confused.

"well, we are going to fix your little problem" I turned around pointing to his groin.

"wait really," he said surprised.

"yep," I said pullin ghim in the room pushing him on the bed and closing the bedroom door.

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