~chapter 19~

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Swearing, amnesia

[Bakugou's POV]

It's been a week since Kirishima woke up and there was week till Christmas..
Aizawa is losing his mind trying to find a way that will make Kirishima remember everything.
Everyone has met with him but it was hard.. He had to meet new people.. And I saw him panicking a few times.
Whatever now we know each other a bit better. He's been hanging out with me more than the others and that makes me.. Happy? I don't really know how to feel..

I really want my Kiri.. Before Christmas..

The extras and I tried many times recreating few moments together but he doesn't remember anything..

Anything.. Expect the time he was kidnapped.

Kirishima has nightmares every night.

He is more scared than before.. When he sees blood or small cuts he just freaks out.. Everyone is trying to avoid them but since we are getting ready to be heroes is hard to..

Well at least Aizawa told the others to shut their mouths.. So Kirishima doesn't find out he is quirkless.

One week.

One week to bring my Kirishima back.

One week to help him.

One week to confess to him..

"Hey Bakugou you okay?"-the red haired boy asked poking me.

"Mm... Sure."-I mumbled. We were sitting in his room on the bed.
Bad.. There were posters with heroes all over the walls.. Mostly with Crimson Riot.

After finding out it was Kirishima's favorite hero I searched more information so we can talk about it like friends do.. But now he doesn't remember who is he..

"Bakuuu are you sure?? You seem upset"-he said clinging onto my arm.

"Yeah shit head..just thinking."-I tried to pull my arm back but he kept taking it.

"Oh.. Okay!! Hey-
Hey Bakubro!? Christmas is coming!! Wanna make gift for each other??"-he said jumping on the bed. I tried to hide my smirk.. Not gonna lie he was so cute.

"Hm? Whatever."-I said and he smiled.

"Thank you!! I want to make sure I remember everything before it"-he said. Honestly it was hard for us to hide that we miss Kirishima... And he knew it..

"Yeah.. Sure"-I smiled and he smiled back at me. I could feel my cheeks red and looked away quickly.

I heard him laugh.

The most beautiful laugh.

"Hey Baku?"


"This hero has something like super power right?"-he said pointing at the poster near his bed.


"Do you have any power"

"Fuck yeah I do."-I made small explosion in my arm and saw his eyes glow. He smiled happily.

"That was so manly!!"

"Sure it was."

"Do the others have powers"-he asked.

What do I say.. Maybe we can go and make the others show.. But if he asks.. Screw it. I can't hide it anymore.

"Let's go find out"-I smirked and we walk out his dorm to the couches in the common room.

"Extras!! Show Kirishima your quirks or else I am kicking your asses!?"-I yelled at them. They looked back and smiled.

"Can I be first??"-shouted dunce face.

I nodded and he show some electric.

Kirishima jumped happily.

Could he get any cuter.


Everyone showed their quirks.
Me and Kirishima went back to his room since he is still scared to sleep alone. I don't blame him..

"Hey Baku.. Do I have.. Power?"-he asked.

I frowned. Why.. Why did he need to ask..


I was stopped from the tears that were fulling my eyes.

"Hey.. Are you okay? You are tearing up.."-he put his hands on my cheeks rubbing his thumbs removing the tears.

"No.. No kirishima.. I.. You don't have quirk.."-I mumbled.

He looked confused for a moment.

"Why are you crying..? It happens right? I am not the first one without a quirk."-he said smiling a bit.

"No.. Kiri.. It's not like that.. You had quirk before.. The villains took it away because I wasn't fast enough to help you.. Kirishima I am sorry.. I am so sorry.."-I cried out. This was the first time I cried in front of him.

I realized he was hugging me now.. Rubbing my back.

"You saved me.. That's enough."-he whispered in my ear. I smiled to myself..

"You are the sunshine everyone needs.."-I whispered back and saw him smiling.

After awhile we laid on the bed and he fall asleep.

He was moving again but I calmed him down playing with his shiny red hair.

Sunshine.. Did I really say that.?

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now