~chapter 36~

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Swearing, blood, bl kiss and talking about drugs

[Nobody's pov]

When the blond boy heard his teacher's voice he smiled.

"Come on Kiri.. They are back!"-he said trying to get his friend up.

"Why the hell are the lights off!?!"-yelled the grumpy boy entering the house.

"Denki? Where are you guys?"-another voice asked.

"Fuck let's go.."-the male from earlier call for his friend.

Bakugou made little explosion in his hand and search the area. He saw the guys. "What the-" -then he saw Kaminari and Kirishima and frowned.
"What the hell happened here!?!"-he yelled. Aizawa and Shinsou walk to them.

The two older males were on the ground now looking at the pro hero.
The two boys were against the wall with Kirishima on the ground holding his right side with hurt expression.

"Someone explain. Right now!?!"-yelled Eraserhead looking at the villains.

Bakugou knees towards his boyfriend and looks at him closer.
"Show me what are you hiding.."-he mumbled.

"Those guys. They came to take Eri.. We just tried to stop them and we did the first time! Then they escaped and we started fighting.. We turn off the light so it's harder for them to fight but one of them had knife and-"-Kaminari started explaining barely taking a breath. Aizawa had the bad guys in his scarf holding them still.

"Eijirou are you injured.."-the male asked glancing to the boy.

He slowly remove his hand and looked at his friend with sad expression. His right side was with no so deep stab..His hand was covered in blood.

Bakugou's face become darker.

"Oh god.. Hitoshi look where are Hiriko and Eri.. We need light.Take some bandages and medicine to take care of the injure. "-the black haired man said to his son. Shinsou nod and walks away.

Bakugou was making flames in his palms. "Be ready to die motherfuckers."-he grows at them but this time his face was locked in dead and at the same time angry expression.. Not his usual smirk.

"Eiji.."-Hiriko showed and looked at her son. She put hands over her mouth and gasps tearing up.
"Eijirou!?"-she ran to him kneeling down.

"Hiri..please turn on the lights."-Aizawa mumbled avoiding eye contact. She does as he said.

Shinsou takes Eri up and turns her view to the other way so she doesn't see what she isn't supposed to.

"Talk."-the pro hero shouted at the villains.

"We just did what he told us to!?"-shouted one of them. Aizawa makes his scarf more and more hard around them. "Who the fuck-"-started Bakugou but Kiri grab his shirt and pull him down.

"Who told you.."-asked Aizawa.
The villains look at each other.
"Dude with hands all over his body.. Rude.."-mumbled one of them.
Kirishima looks away from his friends and mother.

"Why?"-asked the teacher.
"Well because he wants to do drug... Uhhh-"-one of them started. "Drug that split different quirks on more parts and can't be transferred to another creator."-continued the other one.

"Shinsou.Take Eri away.."-he said and the purple haired boy walk away with his sister.

"Denki dear.. Can you pass me the bandages"-asked Hiriko taking care of her son's wound. The blonde boy gave her what she needed and walks to where Aizawa and Bakugou were.

"Ei.. Sweety say something.."-the worried mother mumbled playing with her son's hair.

The boy only looked up at the villains and completely ignored the question.
He stands up hissing from pain.
Hiriko helps him stand with worrying look on her face. They walk to where the others were and Denki helps the mom sit Kirishima on one of the chairs.

"Talk"-said Bakugou looking at the villains.

"There is nothing more! That's the only thing they told us.."-one of them mumbled.

"Kaminari call the police to take those guys.."-Aizawa commanded and looks at Kirishima who was looking at the ground with plain expression.

"May I go to bed.?"-the boy looked up with his eyes full with tears.. But still he didn't let a single drop out.

"Yes of course.. Call for us if there is anything.."-the black haired man said as Kirishima stands up and walks away with small pain.

Soon after that his boyfriend followed him. He opened Eijirou's door and walks in.
"Hey shitty hair.."-the boy called.

"Did I do something wrong?"-Ei said looking at his boyfriend. He was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed.

"No.. The fuck you didn't. I just wanted to check on you.."-mumbled Bakugou making himself a place next to Kirishima.

"Mm.. I am fine."-said the boy smiling.

"Kirishima.."-Bakugou looks at him.
He never liked when Kirishima pretends he is fine or just avoids questions. He pull him in small kiss playing with his hair.

"Kat.. I am not in mood-"-Kirishima tried to say before he was cut from Bakugou.

"Eijirou talk to me! I want to help you.. I want to make you feel better.. You have to tell me what happened.. What did they say.. I need to know!?"-snapped the blonde boy leaving Kiri with surprised expression.

"Okay.. I.. I will tell you but first let's change and head to bed."-he said.
Bakugou nod and after they change and lay at the bed Kirishima sigh.
Katsuki was staring at him waiting for him to start.

"Look.. I just don't feel the same.. And those villains.. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.."-he said tearing up.

Bakugou's face frowned. Seeing his sunshine being so broken hurts him so much. He gently wraps his arms around him and held him close kissing his forehead.

"Let it out..come on sunshine I am here for you.."-he mumbled stroking Eijirou's hair with slight smile.

Hey! Sorry for not updating!!
Still learning how to deal with
my broken legs 😅! Thank you for your support!! I will make sure I update soon!! Bye!!

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