~chapter 42~

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⚠ Warning⚠ Swearing,bl kiss

[Kirishima's pov]

I went home at about 5:30 and luckily Bakugou wasn't up..I mean I didn't need horse talking right now. I walk in my room and saw Bakugou on the bed, I slowly and quietly took a towel heading to the bathroom.

"Finally home huh?"- I heard Bakugou behind me.

I froze as he pushed me againts the wall. "The hell you were?!"- he yelled at me.

"On late walk.."- i mumbled.He looked at me up and down,he saw my wrists and his expression changed to dark and angrier. "Where the hell have you been?!I will beat the shit out of you if you don't tell me right now!!"- he said holding me tight.

"Please let go.."- I mumbled trying to remove his hands from me.

"What happened?!"- he shouted.

"I overtrain!?"- I yelled and he raised his arm up. "Liar."

I put my arms in X in front of my face ready to protect myself.

But he didn't do anything so I put them down to see his face in surprised expression.

"D-did you think I am gonna slap you?"- he said stepping back. "Baku-" - i tried to say.     "I am sorry Kiri I didn't mean to be abusive..I just..wanted to know how you end up like that.."- he looked at the ground. "Look Bakugou I am alright I swear..just forget it..I know you would never hurt me!"- I smiled and he hugged me. "Wanna take a shower..?"- I asked and he raised an eyebrow up. "In the middle of the night?" 

"Yep"- I grab his hand and head to the bathroom.

[Nobody's pov]

The next morning..Finally wednesday Kirishima jump of his bed.He ran around fixing himself.

"The hell.."-Bakugou groan opening eyes. "Sorry Kat I have meeting with Fatgum and Tamaki-senpai after an hour"- Kiri mumbled styling his hair. "Tsk..idiot"- Bakugou sat up and stared at the red head. "When are you leaving"- asked Kiri putting on hair spray. "Ugh.."-he glance to the clock "After 2 hours.."- he said. "Sorry to wake you up !"- Kiri shout almost dropping the spray. "It's fine."- Bakugou said. "Hey Kat..Do you think we will be able to become heroes.."- Kirishima said turning back to face his blonde boyfriend. "mm..yes,what's that type of question" - Bakugou said standing up and walking to the red head. "What if because of me..all students have to repeat the year.."- Kiri mumbled. 

Bakugou grabbed his face and pull him in deep kiss. "First...it's not your fault..second every single student from third year who definitely wants to become a hero is taken by pro who helps them pass the year. Just like me,you,Shinsou and Kaminari by Aizawa. Don"t worry." - he said making a warm smile.

Kiri smiled back and hug him hard. "Thank you Bakugou.."


After an hour

"Oh you are so sweet!"- yelled Hiriko when Fat gave her flowers. "Always ma'am!"- he answered and shake Aizawa's hand "Glad to see you again Eraser!"- he said and Aizawa made a smile shaking his hand back "Same Fat."

"Oh you have elf ears!!"-shouted Eri clinging onto Tamaki. "y-yes.." - mumbled the boy. "Come on Eri give him some space"- said Shinsou taking her away from Tamaki. "Yo bro how are you?"- Denki lean on the chair near Amajiki. "G-good.."- he said looking at the stairs and smiled when he saw Kirishima coming down,then when he saw bakugou he looked away fast.

"Senpai! Good morning!!"- Kirishima yelled and hugged his friend. "I missed you!!" - he said and Tamaki hugged him back smiling "I missed you too buddy."

Bakugou was now staring at Amajiki with death stare making small explosion in his palms.  "Kiri we should get going"- Tamaki mumbled making Kirishima to let go and look at him then back at Bakugou. "Are you staring at him again?"- he asked his boyfriend. "I don't know what are you talking about"- Bakugou said.

"Ohhhh someone is being jealous~~~"- Denki said and Shinsou laugh messing Bakugou's hair.

"I am not fucking jealous!??"- he yelled. "Ah alright then I am leaving with Tamaki-senpai."

"Fuck no!?"- Bakugou yelled picking up Kirishima in the air. "Ahhhh let me down?!"-yelled Kirishima.

The others started laughing hard. Tamaki let out a laugh too.

"Pass him over here Bakugou!!"- yelled Denki opening his arms. Bakugou smirks. "No wait Katsuki don't!!" - kirishima yelled when Bakugou throw him like it was nothing at Kaminari who catch him and laugh"Denki let me down!!" - but Pikachu didn't do it and throw him at Shinsou who catch him laughing "You look heavy and things but you are actually so thin" - he said and Kirishima looked away blushing. Shinsou throw him back at Bakugou but the one who catch him was Fatgum." Oi let the boy rest-he said laughing.Kirishima laugh as the male let him down.

"Thanks Fat"- Kiri glared at his friends who just shrug their shoulders.

"You are welcome red!Now let's go!!"-Fat said heading to the exit with his two boys.

They walk in the city and had fun all day. They went to the arcade where they met lot of fans and played games.Kirishima won a plushie that was in the form of teddy bear. Tamaki won some glasses that made him look ridiculous and Fat won packet of chips that he ate sharing with the two boys. Then they went to a resturaunt where Amajiki accidentally made his fingers into noodles making his friends laugh,he felt embarrassed at first  but then started laughing too.

After that they hang out on the beach where Kirishima went into the water even when it was cold. Fat followed him and they swim and play in about hours. Finally they all just laid on the sand looking at the stars talking.

When Kirishima got back it was about 23:00,Bakugou and Shinsou were awake sitting in the living room.

"How was it Kiri"- asked Shinsou smiling.

"Oh cool! It was one of my best days ever!!"- kiri smiled flopping on the couch next to them.

"Who's that plushie?"- Bakugou asked.


"Who gave it to you?"-he asked again and Kiri smirk.

"Oh..Tamaki-senpai did! He is very manly right?"- he said and Bakugou put him on his lap.

"I will burn that bear."- he mumbled playing with Eijirou's hair.

"Wait no! I was just kidding.It's actually for you I won it!!" - Kiri said making  Bakugou and Shinsou laugh.

"Hey Kiri"-Shinsou said.


"Two more days and we are officially brothers."- Shinsou said proudly and Kiri smiled.

Thank you for your time!! Bye!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now