~chapter 44~

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⚠Warning⚠ Swearing,blood,self hate, talking about child abuse.

[Toga's pov]

It's not fair..they are all celebrating the wedding..I want to be there too..with Izuku or Ochako and Tsu..

Even Eijirou is all happy and shiny..

I want life like theirs..I want to have friends like..

like theirs..

Hiriko is so beautiful in this dress..

Everyone is so beautiful.

I miss Twice..he was the only one to actually understand me..


I took my phone out trying not to make sounds so the heroes don't see me..

(Shigaraki-bold ; Toga - underline )

Is anything interesting happening 

No,they are just celebrating rn.

Well you can come back home then.


I was going to put my phone back when I accidentally dropped it making some heroes look at my hiding place.

"Look over there!"- yelled on of them.

I quickly grab my phone and run away as fast as I could when I bumped into someone and fall on my back.

"And you really needed to ruin this day too right..?"- asked Eijirou with tears in his eyes.

I didn't say anything just stand up and ran away. He gave me a sad look before I loose him from my view.

Why didn't he stop me?!

And why was he so sad..

When you think about it..he.. don't think about it!? He is a hero!! You are a villain!

You can't be sorry for him!!

He is just a stupid kid.

So are you..

He has everything he wants.

So you want to be him right

He is strong and loved.

Poor you..

His life is perfect!!

You wish you were him.

I wish I was him..

I tripped and fall near the base. I hit the ground but luckily I didn't take any damage.

It was cold..

Hot tears started streaming down my face.

I don't cry..

I never cry..

"Toga!?"- yelled Dabi as he helped me up.

"What happened..? Did you fight with any villains?"- he asked while we walked in the base to the living room.

"Nope..I just zoned and forget to watch where I am walking"- I smiled and he messed my hair.

"So..."- Shigaraki entered the room sitting next to me and Dabi.

Then tall male with long blue hair, red eyes and big scar on one of them walks in the room with huge smirk and evil eyes.

"How's my son doing.."- Yoshido asked sitting in front of us making the whole room shake. He was big and when I say big...BIG.

"Well miss Kirishima married to Eraserhead.."- I mumbled and his smirk become bigger.

"So the bitch finally found new man to steal money from huh?~ Interesting. Tell me more.."

Don't tell him

"Eijirou was surprisingly happy..he was mostly with his boyfriend Ka-"

"He has a boyfriend!?!"- he shouted. "That fucker. I thought I taught him a lesson!??"-he yelled making both me and Dabi look at each other with worried look.

"How..?"- Dabi asked as Yoshido's smirk came back.

"Punishment him."

"How exactly.."- Dabi said with more serious tone,his brother side was showing again.

"Trained my quirk on him till he doesn't have tears left."-the man said making all three of us gasp. Dabi was froze.

"I was going to do more things but well I was stopped from his bitch. Luckily there was time when she was outside the town and..~"- his smirk was now fucking disgusting.

"Did you.."- Shigaraki tried to say but everyone from us couldn't.

"Thought I showed him how disgusting it really is."- he said stroking his own hair. 

"Wait outside."- Shiggy commanded as the man left.

For minutes we stayed silent looking at the ground.

"Are we still on the plan..?"- asked Dabi macking Shigaraki look up.

"Of course..we've been working on it from months..we won't let that stop us.."- he said.

"Poor Ei.."- I said as they both looked at me. "I kind of don't want to team up with Yoshido anymore.."

"Same.."- mumbled Dabi.

"But we will do it.  We will take the heroes down for last time."- Shiggy said letting the arm of his face let go. "We may take Kirishima with us..too"- he said.

"Like he will join us."- said Dabi. "I tried to tell him..maybe I went a little to harsh but still.."

"It will be your job to seduce Eijirou, Toga. If it doesn't work we bring Yoshido in action."- Shigaraki mumbled and I nod slowly.

"Did you transfer the quirk.?"- I asked and he looked at the ground.

"Turns out that it's really hard..I did only 5 doses."- he said.

"Well 5 are good..I mean in unbreakable form they can't be stopped."- Dabi said.

"I have to make sure we win."-  Shigaraki answered.


We will win..

Okay I don't know how this chapter turned!! I tried!! Anyways soon comes a big fight but I have school too so I may be slowly at updating!! Sorryyy..Thank you for your time!! 

See you!

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