~chapter 25~

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[Bakugou's pov]

Me and Kirishima walk to my room with the- the dog with us.
I have to find him name.. Hm.

"Hey Bakugou.."-the red head asked and sat on my bed.

"Hm?"-I closed the door and sat on my desk.

"What are we now..?"-he asked looking at the ground.

"Fuck buddies."-I said with smirk.

"Oh.."-was the only thing I heard form him.

"Hey.. I am just kidding.. We can be.. Boyfriends? Oh and just so you know you don't have a chance to say "no"."-I said and heard him chuckle.

"I would love to be your boyfriend.."-he said with smile.


I blushed.



"Oh wait- my present!!"-he jumped of the bed and ran out to his dorm.

I opened my closet and took the box with his gift.
After awhile he came back.

"Okay Baku.. Sorry I didn't remember much about you when I bought the present but I hope you like it.."-he said closing the door.

"Don't worry.."-I mumbled.

He pass me the bag.
There was big poster in it and small box. I took the poster out and opened it.

I smiled.

"Do.. Do you like it..?"-he asked.

It was All might poster.

(Something like this)

"I will return it if you don't like it

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"I will return it if you don't like it.."-the red head said looking at the ground.

"It's limited.. How did you manage to take it.?!"

"Money? And my Crimson riot poster.Honestly it was hard to find it.Oh and if that will make you feel better... Midoriya doesn't have it."-he said with little smile.

"Fuck Kirishima!? I love it!? Thank you!!?"-I shouted and the dog bark at me, I gave him a glare and he laid down.

"Really??"-he said with his eyes sparking.

I just nod and started putting the poster on my wall near the bed.

"Oh right there was something else.."-I began to take the bag but Kirishima grab it hiding it behind his back.

"Listen.. The second thing is really childish.. You won't like it. Just forget about it."-he said.

I pull him and took the bag taking the box out. "Shut up. I am sure it's cool"-I said and opened the box.

It was bracelets.. Red with K on it and orange with E..

"When I didn't remember anything I thought it's cool.! But now I know it's not what you like.. "-he said looking at my arm holding them.

"No.. Mm.. I like them."-I said and his eyes widened.

"Really!?"-he said and the dog bark again.

"Yeah.. Now shut it before Aizawa comes yelling at us."-I said and pet... Okay I really need to find him name.

Kiri sat on the bed and looked at my fist holding the bracelets.

"Here."-I gave him the red one and he smiled.


I walk over to my desk and took the box with his gift.
"I don't really know if it's the right type.. But there is no returning."-I said and pass him the present.

He took it with curious eyes and opened. He dropped it and froze.

"Oi!? What the hell!?"-I shouted and he looked smiling at me. He picked up the box and stand up hugging me.

"Thank you!? Thank you so much!!"-he said.

"It's just shoes.. Damn."-I mumbled and he let go of the hug sitting on the bed.

"Just a shoes!?"-he started putting them on. "That's the best shoes ever!?Just a shoes you said..."-he mumbled and walk around with them happily.

"Well you are welcome."-I whispered and sat on my bed.
"If you rip them there is no new one."

"I will be extremely careful I swear!!"-he shouted and kissed my cheek.




"Baku? You alright?"-he said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Shut up bitch."-I pushed him and he laugh.



We were laying in my bed.
Next to each other..
With the dog in our legs.
It feels amazing..

"Hey Baku.."-Kiri whispered.


"Please don't leave me.. "-he mumbled. I barely could understand what he said.

"Why would you say that out of nowhere.?"

"Mm.. "-i heard soft sobs and looked down at his face.

"I promise I won't leave you.. You are safe with me.. Don't worry.."-I whispered in his ear and saw the little tooth smile.

"Thank you.."-he whispered.

"You are welcome....sunshine."- I whispered the last part making it unable for him to hear.

I kissed his forehead and saw him blush a little. It's cute when he does it..

I hope does villains get caught soon.

I am not letting them near Kirishima.

Guys!!Help me with dog's name!?
I don't have any ideas....
Also I will try to update the
New Year chapter soon!!

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