~chapter 47~

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⚠Warning⚠ Swearing,blood 

[Nobody's pov]

There could be heard screams and explosions at the back.

"Toga give me the tube and let me help my friends!!"- Kirishima yelled grabbing the knife from his neck and throwing it at the corner of the room.

"Never!? I want you to see how your friends die then kill you too!?!"- she yelled pushing him and taking out another knife. "None of my friends is dying today!?!"- he yelled pushing her off himself. "Every single friend from yours is gong to die today..Even the Blasty!!"- she yelled cutting his knee with the knife making him fall down. "How would you feel if your friends die!?!"- he yelled making the girl's face become cold and emotionless. 

"How would I feel..?"

Another painful scream coming from the outside. Kirishima didn't move at all, he stared at Toga's eyes that let a tear roll down her cheek. 

"Heroes killed my best friend.."- she mumbled making the boy's eyes widen.

"I am sorry.."- he mumbled.

"They killed him..my best friend.."- she said as another tears started falling down her eyes. Now Kirishima felt extremely guilty. He force himself up and grab the girl's hands.

"He wasn't supposed to die.."- she mumbled.

"Toga.."- he mumbled. 

"He was always there for me.."- she said. Kirishima looked away for a second then turn back to see her eyes full with tears.

He pull her in a hug.


"I am really sorry..heroes shouldn't kill your friend..they are supposed to help people..and they are doing the completely wrong thing by hurting you like that. I want to help you..and I want to help my friends and family too..but if I don't have my quirk I will be useless."- he said petting her head.

"I..I.."- she hugged him back hiding her face in his chest.

"Calm down.."- he said and she let out a deep breath.

Another  scream. Kirishima's blood become colder knowing that this might be one of his friends. He sigh and let go of the hug now looking at the girl.

"Eijirou..?"- Toga asked dropping the knife on the ground.


"Will you be my friend..?"- she asked looking at him with cold eyes.

For a minute and half he was rethinking what just happened. If he becomes friends with her,he will be able to help her..but he may betray his other friends..but they may die.

I am sorry

"Yes."- he said. The girl made warm smiled and takes the tube from her pocket. 

"Will you visit me"- she asked and he nodded.


"Promise.."- he said and the tube was in his hands.

"Now how do I-"

"You have to get the liquid in your body."- she said backing away and sitting on one stone looking like a chair.


He took a deep breath and broke the tube in his arm. He groaned loudly.

His eyes become darker.

His whole body started to shake.

He fall on his knees and yelled from pain.

Calm down

He started hitting the ground from pain when suddenly he stopped and fall down breathing heavily.

Just breath

"try now.."- Himiko spoke making him look up at her.

Take a deep breath

He sits up still breathing heavily. He closed his eyes and sigh.

Get harder

His whole body become hard. He smiled and looked at Toga who gave him a big warm smile. He started tearing up.

My quirk is back..

He stand up and bowed in front of Toga.

"Thank you.."- he mumbled and she nod. 

He rushed towards the wall and broke it with his fist.

I am back. 

Tetsutetsu,Tamaki and Fatgum

"Suneater behind you!?"- yelled Tetsutetsu trying to hold a Nomu.

Tamaki lets his tentacles and wraps them around the Nomu. He takes a deep breath and tried to hold it still but the monster started biting his tentacles. The boy groan and back away.

"Go take something from your snacks!!"- yelled Fatgum and started attacking the Nomu.

"Be right back!!"- yelled Amajiki before running away to a safe place.

He checks in his pockets and found crabs. He started eating them when he heard loud painful scream. He put it back and ran on the place where he saw Sero on the ground bleeding.He rush over him and activated the crab tongs. "Amajiki.."- mumbled the boy.

"Are you seriously injured!?"- yelled Tamaki pushing the Nomu away.

"Not really..just part of my elbow cracked.."- he stands and wrap some tape around the Nomu with his uninjured elbow.

"Good."- Tamaki grab his hand and ran away from the monster. Part of the building fall on top of the Nomu making it groan then went silent.

"Good job dude!?"- shouted Sero holding onto Amajiki.

"Let's get you to the safe area.."- mumbled Suneater before walking away careful to avoid other monsters to get Hanta on safe place and get taken care of his injuries. 

When they got there Uraraka gasped.

"Sero!?!"- she shouted and ran to him helping Tamaki place him down.

"Toru bring more bandages!!!"- she yelled trying to stop the bleeding.

"Don't worry girl I am fine"- Sero smiled making Ochako give him a mad glare.

"Here.."- the invisible girl said hanging the bandages.

"Will you be alright if I leave you here?"- Amajiki asked. The kids nodded,he eats a little more from his tentacles and he ran away to help other people.

Heyyyyyy!! Sorry if the Kirishima and Toga thing cringed you..Please tell me what do you think!! Anyways thank you so much for reading my story!! It will have 3-8 more chapters I am warning you!! Oh and please tell me if I am killing the character I was talking? Bye!!

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