~chapter 17~

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Swearing and amnesia

[Kirishima's pov]

Damn my whole body hurts.. And I have a bad headache..

I sat up.. I was in hospital probably? Why? Why is my whole body bandaged!? What happened!?

"Oh Eijirou you are finally awake!"-a nurse walked in the room giving me a glass of water.

"Ah Eijirou? Miss.. Why am I here.?"-I asked nervous. She said Eijirou right? Probably my name..

"Don't you remember sweety?"

I shook my head.

"Do you remember anything at all.?"

Again I shook my head.. I don't remember anything about my life.

"Let.. Let me give a call real quick!"-and we that she left the room.

What happened..

Why I have to be here..

Who am I?

[Aizawa's pov]

I heard ringing.I yawned,opened my eyes a bit and grab my phone.

"Hello..?"-I said tired and quite so I don't wake up Hiri.

"Hello.. Shouta Aizawa?It's about Eijirou Kirishima."-said a woman from the phone.

"Yes!?"-I sat up quickly.

"He is awake.. Could.. Could you please come?"-she asked stuttering.
Is Kirishima alright?

"Yeah..Sure."-i closed the phone.

"Hiri.. Wake up..~"-i said softly moving her black hair off the face.

"Mm.. Sho?"-she said yawning.

"Eijirou is awake.."

That's when she jumped off the bed and started getting dressed.

"Hey!? Wait why so fast??"

"It's my son!"-she yelled.

I laugh and walk out the room heading to Hitoshi's room.

"Hey kid-"

Shinsou and Kaminari were sleeping next to each other. The blond kid was hiding his head in Hitoshi's chest.

"Ahem."-I said loudly.

"Ah!? Dad!? What the hell"-the purple haired boy fall off the bed causing the other boy to fall on him.

I laugh.

"Just lock the door the next time. Whatever.. Fix yourselves Eijirou is awake!"-I said and head to Bakugou's room hearing  Denki yelling.

I knocked and walk in.

"Good morning kids"-I said.

Todoroki yawned and sat up on his bed. The blond boy was staring at the selling of the room.

"Bakugou did you sleep?"-I asked. Shoto turned his head to see him.

"I can't.. "-he mumbled.

I sigh.

"You may want to look better if you want to see Kirishima.?"-I said as he turned his head to me.

"Kirishima is awake!?"-he shouted.

I nod and walked out the room.

"Get ready we are leaving after 30 minutes!"

Now I had to wake up Eri too.


[Bakugou's pov]

We arrived at the hospital and I run to Kirishima's room.

"Kirishima!?"-I shouted and hugged him close. That wasn't like me.. But.. Whatever.
"Don't ever make those tricks on me dumbass!?!"-I yelled at him.

He was now looking at me confused.
"Excuse me.. I think you are at the wrong room."-he said scratching the back of his neck.

"No.. I am not in the wrong room!? Why are you fucking with me now!?"-I yelled letting go of the hug.

"Dude.. Sorry I don't..i don't know you."-he said.

"And unfortunately.. He doesn't remember anything"-said the slutty nurse walking in the room with the others.

"What!?"-shouted dunce face.

"He fucking forgot!?"-I yelled.

Aizawa gave me a glare and then I saw Hiriko with tears on her eyes.
I step away from the red head and give her space. She ran to him placing her hands on his cheeks.

"Honey.."-she sobbed.

"I am really sorry ma'am.. "-Kirishima whispered.

"It's okay.. Ei.. As long as I have you back.. Everything is fine.."-she smiled.

"Mr.Aizawa.. I searched for information and found out that Eijirou can remember everything back.. But it will be hard for him because it's not easy to bring back memories.. "-the nurse said. Hiriko smiled.

" Did you hear that sweety..? You will remember everything soon.."-she whispered hugging him softly.

"Bringing back memories.. Well we will call the class for help!"-shouted dunce face clinging onto Shinsou's arm.

"Yeah.. Sure.."-said Aizawa and walked next to miss Kirishima.
" You okay Hiri..? I promise I will make sure he is back before Christmas."-he whispered the last part. Fuck.. Christmas was coming.. I was planning to con-


Me and icy-hot looked at each other.

"When can he come back?"-he asked the nurse.

"Tomorrow for sure!We will have to make few more tests on him and he can go."-said the nurse.

I smiled. Everyone was smiling.

Soon we started talking with him about his life and things.. To be honest they were talking. I just sat at the background. It was hard to think of idea.. How to bring his memories back.. ah.. The last thing that happened between us.. Was the argument.. If he remembers it he will hate me!?

Why it has to be so messed up!? Fuck it!!

Heya!! Sorry for updating
late! I had exams to do.
Well I hope you enjoyed this
chapter!! See you next part!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now