~chapter 13~

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Swearing, blood,injections and angst.

[Kirishima's pov]

Live without a quirk.. That would be hard..especially when your quirk is protecting yourself..

As we were walking and I could barely keep my body to move. Dabi had to help me often that he got very annoyed.

"Will it hurt.?"-I asked looking at Shigaraki.

"Like bitch.But don't worry.. You will be asleep for awhile after that.. And you won't remember it."-he said smirking a bit.


We reached another big room. No glasses or anything. Just the door that we went through. There was a table with multiple injections. Some shots and many knifes over the walls. There was something like doctor's chair in the middle with blood over it. Toga giggled.

"Don't worry!! We will be done soon!!"

Dabi pushed me on the chair and walks away to the tables.Shigarak tied me again but this time harder.

"Try using your quirk and you will be destroyed."-he said showing his hand.

I nodded. They step away and Dabi came back. He was holding two injections. My eyes widened.


"Duh... It will be faster. Plus it may be the last time we see you.. I don't know.. So we are supposed to have fun."-he said showing the injections in front my eyes.

"Are you scared!?"-Toga shouted.


"So no one came to save you huh.. Well that's kinda sad."-said Shigaraki laughing at the end.

"Shut up..."

"Poor you.. Your friends don't care."-she giggled.

I could feel my eyes tear up. I didn't want to cry in front of them.. It's not manly..

" Oh!! Oh!! Look he is crying!!"-she said jumping in place.

"Funny."-dabi mumbled.

"Both of you shut up."-said Shigaraki.


Without a warning.. Dabi stuck both of the injections in my shoulders. It hurts a lot because it was hard.. Plus my stabbed shoulder was now bleeding again.

I made a loud scream from pain.

It hurts...a lot.

"So.. How long will it take?"-Shigaraki asked.

"About 2 minutes. Since it's two it will be faster."-he smirks.

"After that.. What are we going to do with him?"-asked Toga.

" Let's kill him."-mumbled Dabi making a big ass smirk looking at me.

"No."-Shigaraki said and took a shot. "We will erase his memories?"-he smiled with his freaky smile that honestly creeps me out.

"Okay.."-Toga smiled.

"That will be much funnier to watch"-Dabi looked at the injections.
"Oh they.. They are ready."-he takes them out harshly that made me groan in pain.

"Now try to use your quirk."-Shigaraki said taking a knife up to my neck.

I really tried to activate my quirk..

It was gone..

My eyes tears up.

"He is crying again!! Don't cry! You will help us a lot right? Heroes are supposed to do that!!"-she smiled.

"He could be lying"-said Dabi.

" I am not-"- I tried to yell but Shigaraki pressed the knife making my throat bleed a bit.

"Yeah he isn't."-he pulled away.
" Let's go."-him and Toga left.

Dabi untied me and I stood up hardly. He takes the shot.

"See ya kid."-he whispered and stuck the shot in the back of my neck. I groaned as he left the room.

I tried to reach the door.

My legs were giving up..

I couldn't stay still..

I fall on the ground.

And I really tried to stay awake..

Then I heard someone yell my name.

I smiled and closed my eyes..

Sorry it's short!!
Next chapter won't have
kirishima pov!! Just so you know!
Thank you for reading!!
See you!

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