~chapter 39~

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 ⚠Warning ⚠                                                                                                                                                                            Swearing and blood

[Denki's pov]

We were walking towards Kiri's house and honestly it was really awkward because none of us knew what to talk about..

When we finally reach it,small house with little garden on the front.Kiri took out his key and unlocked the door letting me in. Damn it was so fucking cold-

"Bro why are you taking your jacket off?!"- i yelled at him and he raised an eyebrow. "Well we are inside plus it's hot with jacket on-" - he said before i groaned. "Its cold?!Don't you feel it?!"              "Of course..it always has been like that plus no one has come here for 1-2 months..It's normal."

He put his shoes away and walk in taking a deep breath. "Haven't been here since the kidnapping.."-he smiled and I tap his shoulder..

"Anyways let's go to my room-"                                                                                                                                       "Wait- I want to explore!!"- i yelled and he looked away "what do you want to see?"                             "Just show me the house"- i smiled and he began to the kitchen showing me random things,the other things weren't really interesting but when we get to the living room he uh well cold side on?

"Can we skip this.."-he asked and i shake my head.

I walked alone around,he was sitting on the couch looking at the ground. The walls were full with pictures of Kirishima mostly,his mother too and there were some with weird person. He had blue hair and his eyes were red as hell.He had tattoos on his arms and big scar on his right eye..He is hella fimiliar I've seen him somewhere..there wasn't picture where that person is smiling..

"Keep staring and he may say 'hi' to you."- Kiri said in serious tone. I turned around to see him with his stone face. "Sorry Kiri-" "It's alright.." "who is he.."- i asked and his face become more like nervous now. "he uh..he..father.."-he mumbled. "your father?!"- i yelled and he looked away ashamed. "i.." "What's his name.." - he looked at me back "Haru Kirishima..more famous with Haru Yoshido."




"Just leave.."-he mumbled with his voice cracking. I looked at the pics again and yes they are definitely related..Kiri has the same face as him.."I am going to help you with your stuffs.." - i said and he shake his head "Leave Kaminari.."-he stand up heading to the second floor. "Like I will do that?! Whatever happened,we are still friends!!"- i yelled. "But of course now go tell everyone I am Yoshido's son?!Tell them I am a villain too?! Tell them whatever you want just leave me alone?!!"- he snapped..I haven't seen him that angry since..no I haven't seen him like that?! He is even crying..shit what did i do..

"Kiri..i will be friend with no matter what"- i said and he gave me a glare but then quickly remove it and backed away. "leave Kami.." "No?!"

I hugged him hard..we haven't hug that warm from ages..he sobbed in my shoulder as I was making circles on his back.. "p-promise me..you won't leave me..please Denki.."- he cried out. "I promise..I won't ever leave you or your side..bro i will always be with you whatever happens.."- I said and he smiled a little. "Thanks man.."-he mumbled and let go..i gave him a smile as we walked to his room. 

"So what are we taking?"- I asked and I walked in the room. It was so plain..I know it's not supposed to be full of things but that was wow..His dorm room is so different from that. "I am taking my training things and the boxing pear."- he said and started packing.                                         I smiled and knee down next to him helping him put those things at the boxes.

It was cool and all when Kiri groaned in pain..he fall backwards holding his right side with hurt expression.I rushed over to him helping him back to the way. "Do you have any bandages?!How can I fix it?!"- i yelled and he pointed at the shelf near his bed. I quickly took the bandages and run back to him. I lifted his shirt up and my eyes widened..It was bleeding again and it wasn't stopping to bleed..I remove the old bandage and started making the new one..he was in so much pain even tho he was trying to hide it.

After I finished I held my hand to help him get up.He smiled and caught it lifting himself up. 

"Thank you.."-he mumbled.

"Hey.. I have your back remember."

                               I just love this friendship please!!I would die for one 😫😭                                     Anyways!! Thank you for your time and see you next chapter!!

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