~chapter 32~

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Blood, swearing.

[Dabi's pov]

The villains show up.. And I couldn't keep them anymore. Keigo was unconscious by now so I ran back to Toga and took her up. She tried.. She tried to get back but we were gonna get ourselves killed.

Twice was dead.

We couldn't do anything.

"Let me go.."-she whispered. I pet her hair and looked at her. Eyes full with tears.. Ugh damn..
"I am sorry.. It's to late.."-I said and she sobbed on my shoulder.

I kept walking and walking till we get to the place. I walk in careful no one to see us and put Toga on the cough.
She had blood all over her and she had some cuts on her arms.

"What took you so long!?"-yelled Shigaraki walking in the room.
When he saw us he went quite and looked at us up and down.
I had some small injuries but I wanted first to help Toga.

"He is dead.."-she mumbled. Shigaraki looked at her with widened eyes.

"Who is dead..?"-he asked and I looked at the ground.

"Twice."-I mumbled.

"I couldn't save him.."-sobbed Toga.
Me and Shiggy sat next to her and hugged her. They were the closest between us and shared everything between next each other.. Poor Toga..

"Listen.. I know that it won't help.. But don't blame yourself.."-I mumbled and she sobbed softly.

"It wasn't your fault.."-Shigaraki said carefully petting her hair without whole hand on it.

"I miss him.."-she said hiding her face in her hands.

"We know... And we do too.."-I said and she nod slightly.

"I want to show them how I feel.. I want them to suffer.. I want them dead.."-she mumbled and looked at me. Usually she would smile while saying these type of things but now her face was locked in serious expression. She then lowered her face down.

"I promise you.. We will take our revenge.."-said Shigaraki and I nod.

"Come on.. Let's clean ourselves.. We are still in blood."-I said, me and Toga head to the bathroom and just before I get there I looked at Shigaraki.

"We have to take a break.. At least for several days to think about him."-I said and he nodded. I walk back and gave Toga some things to clean herself with, then passed her new clothes and left the bathroom.

Heroes.. Again you showed that you are not the best people in this world..

I was standing by the wall, still thinking and processing the last things that happened.

"Ready."-Toga said and head to the living room. I walk in the bathroom and removed my shirt. It was to much bloody so I will have to throw it in the trash. My pants were well okay some blood parts but it will be fine. I looked at the mirror. Same old scares.

Only if heroes could see what made us villains. It's not our choice.. I mean.. We all wanted to be heroes at some point but.. Not like those who think that everyone else than big strong heroes is bad and wrong.

My hand was in fist and the mirror was broken. Crimson liquid stream down my hand.

"Shit.."-I mumbled and patch it up quickly. The shirt was in the trash and I washed my pants quickly. The left blood removed with some water.
I decided to stay shirtless so I just walk out and sat on the couch in the living room.

"Are you hungry.?"-I asked. Shigaraki nod and Toga just kept looking at the ground.
"I will go outside take some food, you two stay here."-they nod and I left. But of course I had to cover myself so I am don't get recognized.

I walk to the usual spot where I buy food from and start picking random things. I wanted to be fast because if someone sees me we are fucked up.

"Shinsou.. You heard? Hawks is held in the police station for murdering?!"-yelled boy behind the sweet spot.

"Seriously? That's.. Oh.."-mumbled the other boy Shinsou.

"Do you think he will be there for long?"-asked the other one.

"Probably not.. He is pro hero number two.. The only thing he will get is bad voting.."-said the boy.

"It's not really fair.."-the first one said.

"I know Denki.. But that's life. Come oh we will be late for the meeting."-they walk away.

I think I have met the first one..his voice is similar.. Whatever I will found out later.

I payed the stuffs with my last money and walk back to the base.

"M back."-I said and they nod.

I walk to the small kitchen and started cooking. When I was done I put food in front of them and sit down to eat.

"Thank you.."-mumbled Toga.

I nod and we all started eating in silent.

Sorry! This chapter is really boring
but I can't just start whole new fight that soon. Anyways thanks for the support!! I am sorry I update really slow.. I broke my leg and needed a little rest. Love you all!
See you next chapter!

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