~chapter 49~

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⚠Warning⚠ Swearing,blood, drug (overpowering) broken bones (guess who)

[Nobody's pov]

While running to the place of the explosion the red head saw many defeated Nomus,he saw his friends being taken away with injuries and his blood ran cold. Finally reaching the place he froze.

Nomu..giant..on top of it Shigaraki.

Bakugou and Midoriya on the edge of passing out. There was blood streaming down their bodies. Izuku was near Aizawa who had passen out, holding him and trying to stop the bleeding.

Todoroki with his fire side burnt. A lot. He was fighting with Dabi who had new scars of his all over himself.

"COME ON DEKU!! FIGHT WE HAVE TO-"-the Nomu punched the ground hard making it crack in many pieces.

"Kill them!?!"- yelled Shigaraki as the boys struggled to hold themself up. 

"TODOROKI USE YOUR FUCKING QUIRK RIGHT NOW!?!"- yelled Bakugou holding himself on the edge. Shoto tried to hold himself with one arm so he can catch his friends with his ice.

"You are not going away that easily!?!"- shouted Dabi making a fire wall in Todoroki's direction.

"WATCH OUT!?!"- yelled the blonde boy again.

Just before the heat hit Shoto, Kirishima activated his quirk and stand in front of him.

"K-Kirishima-kun!?!"- yelled Izuku.

"DIDN'T TOGA STOP YOU BRAT!?!"- yelled Shigaraki at the same time that the Nomu made another shake at the ground. 

Bakugou was staring speechless. He tried to say something but no words came out of his mouth. His boyfriend showed up out of nowhere with his quirk back bleeding like crazy.

"Shigaraki do your job I will handle him!?!"- yelled Dabi making another fire wall towards the red head who just glanced to Todoroki who quickly came back to earth and just before Bakugou fall he made another layer ground of ice.

"How the hell did you escape from Yoshido!?!"- shouted the black haired man walking towards Kirishima. Todoroki and Bakugou ran away to stop the Nomu while Midoriya decide to take Aizawa to the safe zone as soon as possible.

Eijirou hardened his arm and punched the ground making it shake. Dabi fall with only one hand holding on the edge. "WHAT THE HELL HOW DID YOU-" - his hand was sliding away.

Kirishima rushed over to him and held his hand in offer to help him. "FUCK NO I AM NOT GETTING HELP FROM YOU!?!" - he pushed the hand and barely held himself. "You are gonna fall down and break your head!?!"- yelled Kirishima trying to catch his hand.

The villain sigh and brought his arm up. Kirishima tried to reach him just before the place where they both stood broke. Kirishima could catch the edge again with his hardened arm but when he turn around he saw that Dabi had reach down the ground and blood was pouring from his head. Eijirou sigh and raised himself up to see Shigaraki holding gun with tube to his neck. The Nomu on the ground frozen to death. Bakugou and Todoroki looked at each other confused.

"COME ON SHOT YOURSELF!? YOU ARE GONNA HELP-"- Bakugou started. Kirishima recognized the weapon from 2 years ago when he fought against the blade villain. The same weapon made the villain's quirk 10 times stronger.

"GET THE GUN BEFORE THE LIQUID ENTERS HIS BODY"- he yelled with his voice shaking.

But the other two boys reacted a little to late. Bakugou had taken the weapon but Shigaraki used half of it. The villain started shaking crazy. His eyes become wide open and his laugh louder with weird cracks.

"Kirishima..Wha-"- Todoroki stepped back along with Bakugou, Kirishima walked to them. "He used drug to power his quirk."- he mumbled pulling them a little back,the boys looked very surprised but ready to fight again. 

In the next few seconds they were rethinking the way they are gonna fight. Kirishima had to take a look at his friends and their injuries..Todoroki's left arm was broken and his right side had a nasty burn,other than that he had bruises and injuries. Bakugou's palms were burned really really bad and his head was pouring blood right top his right ear.

"Eijirou..are you sure that you will be able to fight.."- said Katsuki seeing the energic villain coming closer with his mouth locked in crazy smile. "Yes."- Kiri said activating his power.

Todoroki nod and froze the ground making the villain struggle to walk. Bakugou made an explosion towards Shigaraki who dodge it and tried to reach Katsuki laughing maniacly. "Come here little hero!?~"- he was yelling. Kirishime get closer to him and landed a punch at the stomach but Tomura didn't really take damage and catch Eijirou's hand.

The red head made loud painful groan. Shigaraki made half from his skin and flesh go to dust. 

"EIJIROU!?!"- Bakugou yelled. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT YOU FUCKING BASTARD!?!"- he shouted again rushing towards the villain. Todoroki made ice wall between them and Kirishima. He catch the red head and saw the ice starting to melt. "ARE YOU OKAY THERE BAKUGOU!?!"- he yelled.

"JUST PERFECT!?!"-was heard from the other side.

"Kirishima..I will take you-"- the half red half white haired boy said but got cut by Eijirou trying to stand up. "Fuck stay down?!" 

"We can't leave..Bakugou..I hope Midoriya will come back..whatever happens we are not spliting before Shigaraki is down.."- the red head said with shaky voice.

"You are insane...look at yourself-"

"Todoroki I can survive this."- Kirishima said standing up activating his quirk to help himself.

"You sure..?"- Shoto asked helping him.

A loud explosion making the ice break came in their way.

"100% sure."- Kirishima mumble.

Him and Todoroki made a loud yell before jumping back into the battle.

But Shigaraki was way to strong for our powers..

Heyy!! How are you? How's the new chapter.? 

Thank you very much for your support!! I can't thank you enough..I hope you enjoy my story..but soon the ends comes. Don't worry I will write new ones!! 😅😅 Thank you again..BYE!!❤

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