~chapter 10~

912 13 4

Swearing,blood and angst

[Bakugou's pov]

Yesterday I heard Aizawa and Vlad king talking in front of my dorm. It was pretty late but I guess that's why they were there. Vlad said that the chance of Kirishima being still alive is small..
Aizawa started arguing and stuff. He said that he won't give up till he find him.. But that's.. It's still my turn to check the other places but there is no way I could sneak out right now since the UA teachers are always here "informing" us about the situation..
Deku was coming to my room every few hours and it was pissing me off.
If that bastard icy-hot told him I swear.. I will kill him. I am not in the mood to talk with the nerd.
It's not easy.. I mean.. Everyone is worried about Kirishima..it's been 5 days and we don't have any information.. Hiriko.. Kirishima's mother was coming to the dorms about 2 times by now.. Aizawa tried to comfort her but it's pretty lame since her son is missing. She is stressed and crying most of the time.. I don't blame her..She even wanted to talk with me-
Maybe Kirishima said a good word about me in front of her but I didn't expect that..

"Kacchan-"-deku knocked on my door.

"I said to fuck off and leave me alone before I blow your ass up."

"But Aizawa-"


"He said he wanted to talk with you!"


"Your health-"

"My health is the best!? Leave me alone!!"-I shouted at him. Then I heard his steps fade away.

That damn nerd..


Everyone was sleeping. It was about 1-2 am? I was ready to go out and search the other places when I heard knocking on my door.

"Who the hell!? It's 2 am!"-I shouted heading to the door.

"It's Shinsou."

I opened the door looking at him. Again he was looking very tired with his messy hair and eye bags.

"What the hell do you want!?"

He pushed me and sat on my chair. I closed the door and sat on my bed.

"What do you want?"

"I am coming with you-"

"What!? Where!? I am not going anywhere!!"

"Keep telling lies. I know about your little plan. I will come with you so you aren't alone. Plus I can't let you see something you don't want to."-he said looking at me.

"I don't need you. I can see whatever I want and I can handle it."-I said looking outside.

"I am sure you wouldn't like to see Kirishima-"

"Finish the sentence and I am killing you."- I glared at him. He was right.. I wasn't ready for that. Everyone around me was saying he is dead and.. And I was ignoring it but I can't anymore..

"Fine.. But you are staying behind me."-I said.

"Okay. Let's go before d-Aizawa see us."-he mumbled. Hah he is to bad at keeping secrets.


[Kirishima's pov]

I've been here to much.. And I am becoming crazy. I can't stop thinking about Bakugou. I can hear the same thing in my head like a loop.
Plus Toga and Dabi are non stop messing with me.. I have few more wounds and not to deep stab in my right shoulder.. Honestly I would actually thank them if they just kill me now. The pain is to much and hurts so bad.
"I've been on your place before"was saying Shigaraki..Yeah if you were then you wouldn't do it on another person.. Not manly.

I gave up on the hope that someone is coming for me.. I am ready.. And I will escape tonight.

Hey!! Thank you for your
attention!! I was
wondering if it will be
okay to make the things
between Aizawa and Hiriko
more spicy? If you don't like the idea please tell me!! Bye!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now