~chapter 40~

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⚠Warning ⚠                                                                                                                        Swearing,talking about abuse and little blood.

[Kirishima's pov]

"So when was the last time you were with your dad?"- Asked Denki,we were walking back to Aizawa and didn't really talk..but he had to ask..I don't blame him tho.. "Well uh..he left when I was about 10-11."

"Oh..sorry dude..Must be hard without a father.."-he said looking away. "Not at all..He was..well we didn't get along..he ran away without a warning and the only thing he left was his quirk. It was just hard to control the house you know bills and stuff..but my mom still helped me become who I am now..even after.."

"after what..?Come on Kiri you can tell me.."

"Yoshido was to much of an evil person and sometimes I see myself in him. Years I thought that i can't be a hero because of him..But my mom helped me grow up and train for hero..so now I am here."- I said and he nodded slightly. "What did your father do?"- he asked and i looked away.

"He was very well abusive..maybe because he had huge anger issues and drunk problems.I had to train really hard with my quirk because he wanted to use me for his crimes,basically just a bad person..he would hurt my mom if I didn't do what he wants so that was the only reason I was with him. Then when the police finally found out about him and his family he ran away leaving me and mom deal with the police..and pros. My mom made so much promises and things so they don't reveal us...and thanks God they didn't tell anyone.."- I said that and took a deep breath.

"Did you know any of the pros?"

"Oh yes..Endeavor,All might and Aizawa and some more but I don't really remember them."

"Aizawa knows?!"


"Who else ?"

"It's only you and mom else.."

"If you don't like him..then why did you have so much pictures with him..I mean you could just throw them away and forget it."

"You can't just forget something like that..and mom wanted to keep them even tho I protested."

We reach Aizawa's house and carefully walk in.

"Where have you been boys?"- my mom asked.

Denki hide the box behind his back while i struggled to find a way to hide my boxing pear. "We uh.."- I tried to say but she just looked at me showing me that lying won't help."We were at our house."- i said and she frowned. "Why!?" "Because I wanted to take some of my stuffs."

She sigh and look at both me and Denki. "at least nothing bad happened right?"-she asked and I nod. "Well I am going to my room..Call us if you need something"- I said heading to the second floor with Denki following me. "Wait! We are going to decide things for the wedding!!I need your help!"- she said and I turn around almost dropping the pear. "Now?"- i said and she nodded. "Okay let us leave my things up and we are coming,right Denki?"-i said and he smiled. "Yes"

We put my things on the right places.The training stuffs were near the dresser and the boxing pear near the desk. The clothes that I took were in the closet so me and Kami made our way down. On the table in the kitchen there were mom and Eri,so excited.

"Now now...."

Hours later I was alone in my room playing box. I wanted at least to do something before I hang out with Fat and Tamaki..My fist started hurting and the wound was getting bloody again so I stopped and sat on my bed fixing bandages. 


I grab my phone and opened my messages.

(Underline-kirishima ; bold-bakugou)

Hey dumb hair..you may have to come see something.

What? What's wrong

Just come to this place "----"

Bakugou what happened

Hurry up and come see yourself?!

I closed the phone and put on jacket fast heading to this location..I hope everyone is alright..what if the villains hurt them?!

When I finally got there Bakugou,Shinsou and Aizawa rush to me.

"Dude you have to calm your nerves for this one."- said Shinsou holding one of my arms.

"Just don't freak out."- mumbled Bakugou holding my other arm.

"Will someone tell me what's happening?!What's this place"- I shouted and Aizawa looked at me. "This is one of LOV's  bases. We found plans and stuff about them..Come on."- he showed me the way and I slowly walk in ready for the worsth. 


On the table down the hall there were pictures of me and my mom.



I slowly sat on the couch and started looking through the stuffs.There were papers with explanation of my quirk,how it works,how much lasts,stamina and others.. "Thought he is dead."- I mumbled at one of the photos with my father.

"Me too..well I was informed he is but those photos are took these months..."- he said taking some of the pics.

Dating the explosion boy..

Hiriko Kirishima and Haru Yoshido..

Close with the girl..

Fear from his father.

I felt myself getting shaken and I looked up.It was Bakugou with worried face. "Come on sunshine calm down.."- he said and Shinsou put his hand on my back.

Far from his family and friends - insecure and weak.

Hey!!Thank you for your time!!I hope you like the last chapters...Please tell me if i have to change anything!!See you soon!

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