~chapter 7~

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Swearing, blood and angst

[Bakugou's pov]

"KIRISHIMA!?!"- I screamed and pushed the girl off me harshly.
At the time I reached the portal Kirishima was gone..I begin to go in but Aizawa caught me with his fucking scarf and the portal disappeared.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?THEY TOOK KIRISHIMA!! WE HAVE TO GO GET HIM!!!"- I yelled. No.. No.. Kirishima was gone.. I couldn't stop them..

"We have to inform your classmates.. And the teachers.. We are not really sure if they left-"-he was cutted off by the blond bitch.

"Oh and what you gonna do about it??"- she said giggling. I broke from the scarf and pinned her down harshly glaring at her.

"Shut up!!"-I yelled. She bit my hand and I throwed explosion at her.

"Bakugou don't-"

She melted... She fucking melted.. And we have nothing.. We can't find him.. I was sure if she is here we could take information but.. But now-

"Shhh.. It's okay I promise you.. We will get him.."- he said rubbing my back. Was I crying? No.. Dang..

"Let's go tell the others.."- Aizawa helped me up and we head to Shoji's room.


"Oi octopus!! Come out!"- I said.

"With that attitude we will never take Kirishima back so stop it."-Aizawa said putting his hand on my shoulder.
Then Shouji opened the room. He was still sleepy-
Didn't he heard our fight!?

"Sorry sensei! I didn't hear you."- he said.

" Don't.. Don't worry.. Wake up your classmates and come to the common room.We have to talk about something serious."- then he pulled me away and we head to his room.


Aizawa told them everything.. I was sitting on the couch alone.That idiots couldn't stop bother me..

"Fuck off. Leave me alone for God sake!?"-I yelled at them.The only thing I got as a reply were simply "it will be okay" ; "he is fine" or "we will get him"

"Kacchan I am so sorry-"-fucking Deku..

"What the hell are you sorry for nerd!?It just happened! Now leave me alone!!"-I shouted and with the corner of my eye I saw Aizawa giving me a glare.

"Just.. Leave me alone.."- I mumbled. He nodded and stepped away going to talk with the half n half bastard.

Kirishima please.. Be okay idiot.

[Kirishima's pov]

I woke up in dark room. I couldn't see anything. The only thing I could hear was my own breathing..
I left them take me..why didn't I fight!?

A light showed. I guess someone came into the room.

"Oh nice, you are awake."- said Dabi turning on the light.
The room was small, there was only a little table and,simple closet and that's it. I was wrapped in rope on a chair in the middle of it.

"Shigaraki? How much time we will wait?"- he said as the crusty dude entered the room.

"Well... We could have some fun before stea-"-he stopped himself.

"Oh!! Oh!! Can I play with him!! Pleaseee!"- Toga said jumping around.

"Sure.. I will go check on Spinner and Twice, just don't kill him. Dabi watch over her."-Shigaraki said and left the room.

The girl sat on my lap holding the knife.

"Get off bitch!!"-I yelled. She sliced my cheek.

"I don't recommend you calling me a bitch!"- she said giggling.

The Dabi dude walked behind me and put his arms over the back of the chair.

"Are you scared?" - he said stroking my hair.

I glared at him. The blond girl made another scar over my face that made me groan and tilt my head back now looking at Dabi.

"Ohh!! What a beautiful neck!!"- she said and sliced my neck. I groaned loud this time.

Dabi just rolled his eyes and sat on the table.

"Do you think your friends will make a mission like you did for Blasty?"-he said smirking a bit.

"Don't call him that!!"- I yelled. Another slice on my neck.

"Don't tell me what to do brat!" - he said making fire at his hand.

"Oh Eijirou! What happened with your arm"-Toga said giggling.

I didn't answer. Dabi smacked my head and pushed it up.

"You will talk when we ask you something... or you want your little Blasty to have something from us?"

"Don't touch him."

"Or what? What are you going to do?"-he said smirking.

Toga took some blood from mine and drank it.

"Ima go mess with Katsuki!!"-she said and left the room.

"Don't!! Please stop it!?"-I yelled but for nothing.

"You two aren't together right?"-said Dabi.

I glared at him. He smirked and pushed the chair down causing me to hit my broken arm.

"Bastard"-I mumbled.

"I don't like your attitude .Fix it or I will kill you."- he said heading to the door.

"Wait!! At least tell me what are you going to do with me!!"- I shouted.

He looked at the ground.
"We will need your quirk."-he smirked and turned off the lights.

He.. My quirk!? What.. But but-
No.. They can't do it.. They can't..

Thanks for reading the story!!
I don't know how much will
it last but it won't be that short!!
Tell me if you want any
character to join in the story!!

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