~chapter 16~

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[Bakugou's pov]

We reached Aizawa's house with Eri who was holding Shinsou's hand all the way here..

"Where is Deku-kun?"-she asked.

"He is-"-todoroki put hand over my mouth.

"He has some work!You will see him later"-said Pikachu.

I bite half n half's hand and he groaned stepping away.

"Bitch.."-he mumbled.

"Oi! Watch your mouths!"-shouted Shinsou.


"Look Kirishima-kun is on the TV!!"-Eri shouted. I sat on the couch fast and put the volume up.

"Student from UA finally found..thanks to his classmates and teachers. The police have been searching the place he was kept in.. And found many drugs. Mostly quirkless.. "

Eri gasped. The other extras came.

"What are you doing!?"-shouted Shinsou.

"There is news for-"-I started.

"Unfortunately the young boy lost his quirk during that time."-everyone froze.

"Kirishima.."-Denki mumbled.

I teared up.. I was there.. I didn't do anything.. I left him.. I couldn't save him.. I..

"Hey hey Bakugou!! Don't worry.. Everything will be fine."-Todoroki put hand on my shoulder. Was I crying?

"Fuck off."-I mumbled.

Eri hugged me.

"We couldn't do anything.."-said Shinsou.

"Bakugou.. I will try my best to help him.. "-Eri said clinging onto my leg.

"You will be Kiri's little hero..."-said Denki patting her head.

I let go of Eri and walked away to the kitchen. Shinsou ran to me.

"Bakugou it's not your fault."-he said.

I grabbed something to eat.

" I was there. Because I couldn't do anything now.. Kirishima doesn't have quirk. He will never be a hero without a quirk-"

"Are you stupid!? Lemillion lost his quirk but still continued to study for a hero. And as long as Eri can control her power too she will help them have their quirks back."-Shinsou said pushing my shoulder.

"Kirishima hates me.."-I mumbled.

"What? Why would he hate you?"-he asked.

"I.. We.. We had an argument just before they took him away.. And if I stopped it he would be fine now.."

"What argument.?"

"He.. He said that I was there before.. And I left him.. "

"What.? But-"

"I wasn't there.. I swear I would have him with me if I was.. "

"I believe you.. But whatever happened made him insecure and he was probably scared that its a trap.."-he said.

"How much time do you think he will need to rest.?"

"I am not sure.."-he mumbled.

"Bakugou come we are gonna play heroes and villains!!"-shouted Dunce face.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now