~chapter 55~

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[Todoroki's pov]

So 3 days later and Bakugou hasn't said a word to anyone than me? It's crazy we are getting along and honestly it's not that bad.

I am going to take him to Kirishima  at night when there is no one else..I hope he is awake because I am not forcing them- well I am forcing Bakugou but Kirishima still needs rest so if he is sleeping I am not doing it tonight.

"So I think that Hatsume can do something about it and he will be able to hear again..but I am not sure when will it be ready or if she is going to accept the request."- said Midoriya.

"That's pretty good idea..just wait till we leave the hospital...and we are going to ask her?"- I said and he nodded. "Anything new about Kacchan?"

"No..but I am taking him with me tonight.."

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Not really..but it hurts to much when I see them like that..I mean.."

"I understand..Kacchan isn't himself and Kirishima-kun needs him..he can't stop asking me for him.."

"Me too..and on top of that Kaminari isn't helping."

"Oh come on...he is just being protective.."

"You are right..but he is saying to bad things about Bakugou and well it's not good."

"Of course..hey how exactly are you talking with Kirishima"

"Oh..well I learned some from you..and well one time a deaf hero visited my father and I learned most from him..By the way thanks to you Kirishima is able to talk with others..if you didn't teach him earlier now it would be a big problem."

"Oh..I did it because I thought Kacchan won't be able to last for that much..and I didn't want him to feel lonely."

"You have a heroic heart Midoriya."

"Thanks Todoroki-kin!"


"Come on Bakugou wake up"- I said shaking him a little. He looked at me again we tired eyes and groaned. "The fuck..it's..1 am..for what?"- he asked before I pull him out of the bed. "Let me go..bastard..I am not in mood for jokes."

"You never are..now come on."- I put his arm behind my neck and slowly walk out the room. "You know I can walk.."- he said. "Yeah..but you won't come.."- I pressed the button on the elevator. "Where the hell are we going?"

We walk in and I pressed the 3 button.

"You asshole!!?"- he yelled before I put my hand over his mouth. "You really want to wake up everyone right?"

He bite my head and hissed.

Soon we were in front of Kirishima's room.

It was dark and the window was open wide.

When we got in he was looking something on his phone.

Thanks All Might he is awake..

"Okay..just don't scare him."

"Shut up it's not like I am some kind of a monster."- Bakugou said before sitting on the chair in front Kiri's bed.

"Doesn't he- oh.."

"Yeah well.."- I walked to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned his head to me and smiled toothy. "Hey Todoroki..what are you doing here it's  late."

I pointed at the other direction to Bakugou and he turned confused. When he saw him he almost cried. His eyes were wide open and he tried to run out of the bed.

"Fuck stay down moron."- said Bakugou standing up and coming to the other side.

"He may not be able to hear you but you still need to be kind."- I said and he nodded slightly.

"Kat..Kat I missed you so much..Please don't leave me again..I am so sorry.."- Eijirou said before hugging Bakugou hard. "Please f-forgive me.."- he whispered between sobs."

"Wait a damn minute..the fuck are you apologizing for.."- said the blonde before letting go of the hug and looking at him mad. Kiri looked back confused pointing to his ears.

"Use sigh language.."- I said and he looked at me worried. "What.?"- I asked. "I tried to avoid learning it..because I believed I won't go deaf..and I don't really know it at all."- he said.

"If there is anything you cannot do ask me."- I said before I sat on the chair near the bed. "Why is he apologizing?"-he asked looking at Kirishima. 

I tapped Kiri's shoulder to get his attention.

"Why are you sorry"

"I was to weak to hold on my own and ended like this..I am sorry..I am weak.."- he said looking out of the window.

"Fuck no..No that's not your fault..you aren't weak"- Bakugou started before cutting himself off.

He pull Kirishima in a hug.


He kissed him and stroke his hair before letting go. "I am sorry"

"Oh.."-Kiri paused before smiling again. "It's not your fault..it's in the past and everything will be okay."- he hugged Bakugou.

"I hope so sunshine.."- the blonde whispered softly.

"I am so happy you are alright..I was worried.."- said Kirishima letting go of the hug.

"The fuck...I am okay,don't worry about me."

"Ah that's good..so..when are we leaving the hospital? Thought Aizawa said we are going back to train as heroes soon?"- he  said.

"Can you explain..I can't do all."- Bakugou glanced to me.

"Yep..The doctors said you need 1-2 more weeks and you can come back but because of your hearing lost you will need to slow the hero training."- I sighed, Kirishima was looking at us two with tearing eyes.

"I should give up on becoming a hero.."-he mumbled.

"No!?! The hell no!!?"- yelled Bakugou.

"I promise....I will find a way to get your hearing back..trust me.."- he said.

"I trust you.."- mumbled the red head.


"I read your lips..I was practicing with Denki and now I kind of understand."

"Wow..that fast?"- I said and he looked at me confused.

"Of course I am still learning."- he chuckled.

"Can..can you leave us alone for a minute...?"-asked Bakugou. I nod and left the room.

"I love you Ei.."- I heard.

Don't blame me..the walls are thin.

"I love you too.."

I smiled to myself.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now