~chapter 26~

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Swearing and well dirty talk.

[Kirishima's pov]

New year is coming!! Tho the LOV is not caught but I promise you I will take them down.. I hope this year will be better for us.. For UA.. For heroes..

After I got my memories back everything was normal again.

Me and Jirou would listen to music together..

Midoriya and I were training at the back of the dorms.
He was helping me with fight skills because my quirk is still gone.?
Tho I don't know if I will return it soon..

Sero and I beat all the new video games he got for Christmas.

Me and Kaminari pranked at least half of the class this week.

Mina and I were trying to find out if Sero has crush on her and happily he has!! I promised her that he will confess before she even blinks!

Oh yeah Uraraka and Midoriya are dating too.

And when Bakugou found out?
Eh let's say now the class has to decide who the best couple is.
Kinda embarrassed right.?
Heh.. They even found us names-
Izuocha and Kiribaku hilarious right?

Well we are the only "official" couples for now-

But there are few more who are so obvious.

My bro Denki can't hide being such a simp over Shinsou.

And Yaomomo can't stop talking about Jirou.


Mom and Aizawa are so close.. It's still weird. Seeing my mom kiSsiNg my teacher.. But it's nice because she said she loves him with all her heart.. Haven't seen her like that before.

Because of that Shinsou,Eri and I spend so much time together.

She calls me "big brother"!!

It's so cute!?

And Shinsou is the best listener ever-
Late at night when we are at Aizawa's house we talk very much..
It's nice.. He is like my real brother now?

Tamaki-senpai and Fatgum visited me once at the dorms.
They were happy that I am finally back and said they can't wait till I can get to them again..


"So how did you name him?"-I pet the dog in my legs.

Bakugou looked at me. He was fixing his grenades.
"Mm.. Riot."-he mumbled.

"What!?"-I shouted.

"Fucking Riot."-he tsked.
"Shut up.. It's not like it's something special.."

"Bro!? That's so cute!?"-I shouted and sit up looking at him.

"First.. It's not cute. Second.. Don't you dare call me "bro" again. I literally had my tongue in your mouth 5 minutes ago. You don't have the right-"

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