~chapter 8~

963 18 3

Swearing and angst

[Kaminari's pov]

It's been 3 days since Kirishima's kidnapping. We are stopped from school because the teachers are to busy trying to find him.. Bakugou hasn't left his room since the incident.. Mina and Sero tried to take him out but he wouldn't listen. One night I caught him trying to sneak out.. Maybe that was stupid.. And now he is very angry at me.. But if he went alone he would probably get himself killed. Because of that there is always someone to watch over him..

"Yo Kaminari? You okay?"-said Sero tapping my shoulder.

"Just thinking."-I sighed.

"Look.. Kirishima's situation is affecting everyone.. But we won't help him if we stay here upset all day.. You saw what happened with Bakugou.."

"I know.. But-"

"Denki!! Shinsou came in the dorms with Aizawa! You can go ask him about Kirishima! And maybe ask him other things~" - Mina come running.

I looked at Sero and he nodded. I stood up and headed to Aizawa playing with my fingers..

"There is no information about Eijirou Kirishima.."-I heard one of the assistance. I froze. Will they give up on the that now!? They are gonna leave Kiri..

"Kaminari you good.?"- the purple haired boy put hand on my shoulder.
I shook my head.. He pulled me away to the balcony.

"Kam what's wrong.?"- he said looking at me.

"What.. What do you know about Kirishima..?"- I asked.

"I um... Nothing.. Da- I mean Mr. Aizawa and I tried to find some information but nothing.."- he said looking away.

"Will he give up.?"-I asked and without realizing I was holding Shinsou's hand.

"Hm.. No.. He is not like that.. Everyone from your class is special for him.. And he won't leave Kirishima like that."- he said holding my hand back. I blushed at the feeling. He looked back at me and smiled.


"How's Bakugou taking it?"- he asked looking outside.

"Bad.. He hasn't been eating or sleeping.."-I said looking at the ground.

"Did you try to talk with him?"

"He doesn't want to.. Or he just ignores me till I leave"

"Come on Hitoshi.We are going out again."-said Aizawa showing from the door. Shinsou nodded and stood up leaving.

"Check on Bakugou today.. Okay?"-sensei said.

"Mhm"-i looked away as he left.


"Yo Bakugou.. Open the door."-I heard when I was going to his room. When I was closer I saw-


"What are you doing here!?"-I asked shocked.

"Shh.. Do you want everyone else to hear us."-he said pulling me to the door. I heard the door unlocking and we walked in Bakugou's room.

"You are lat-"-he stopped when he saw me.

Todoroki closed the door and walked over the chair.
"He saw me here.."

"What are you two doing together!?"-i asked still shocked. They were at the same room without giving each other glares.

"Shut up before everyone hears."-Todoroki said. " You have to promise that you won't tell anyone about this conservation."

"Mhm..Are you two planning to-"

"Yes."-Bakugou said giving me a glare.

"You can't-"

"He did it once for me.. Now. it's my turn. And if you are trying to stop me, go to your boyfriend and leave us alone."-he was hella mad.

"I am coming with you."-I said looking at him.

"Hah.. Yeah I believed you."-he said pointed at the door. " Don't joke around and leave.. Now."

"Wait Bakugou.. He can help."-todoroki said calming him down. " We are not enough to do it alone."

"Tsk.. Sit on your ass and listen. I am saying this only one time."

I sat on the couch and looked at him. Yep... He is not stopping this time.. He even managed to call Todoroki for help.


"Got it?"-bakugou said when he finished.

"We will check those places.The league were talking about them when Bakugou was kidnapped"-Todoroki gave me a list of different places. I nodded and took it.

"That.. That are more than 20-"

"Problem? There might be a chance that Kirishima is in one of them so don't argue with me. Tomorrow I will go out and look for him .Then it's your time and finally Todoroki."-he said looking at Todo who nodded in understanding.

I stood up and headed to the door.

"If someone finds out... We are dead meat."

Hey!! Thanks for
reading my story!!
I wasn't sure who to add
in the rescue but I just
love when Todoroki and Bakugou
team up so why not?
Anyways, bye!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now