~chapter 5~

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Swearing and angst.


I looked over the window. It was dark but there was someone outside.

"Open dumbass!!"

I let out a sigh and went to open it.

"Why the hell are you that noisy!?"-Bakugou asked me going into the room.

" I.. I don't know.. I am sorry!!"

"Oi, what's up?"

"Nothing.. Sorry to wake you up."

"I've been awake for hours. But I could swear that I heard you talking.. Was anyone here?"

Was there anyone here!? What if someone broke in while I slept-
Am I talking asleep-

"Oi dumb hair?"

I looked at him.

"You are acting really weird.You sure everything is alright?"

Was he serious right now? Does he really care.. Why..

I shook my head. He looked at me with confused look.


"I had a nightmare.. I don't know why it was that bad.. Just.. I woke up.. And.."

"You really need sleep don't you?"-he sigh and looked around
" I can stay here for the night.If you want?"- he said again looking at me.

Oh.. I could feel my cheeks burn again. Aha- that feeling again!?

I scratch the back of my neck.

"If it's not annoying to you.."

"It will always be but whatever. Let me grab my pillow from my room"-he said and went to his room.

Ahhh Bakugou is going to sleep in my room!! This is a dream!!

At that time he came back.

"Can I sleep on the couch?"- he said annoyed.

" Mhm"

He put his things down and laid on the sofa. I laid on my bed and looked out of the window.

"What was the nightmare about?"- he said.

I turned and saw him staring at me.

"Nothing important."

"Bullshit.It was something about the villains wasn't it?Don't worry, I am not letting that fuckers get you."

I blushed.. He really cares.


"Shut up."

I laugh. He was still staring at me and I saw him trying to hide a smile.
That's new.

"Now go to sleep bastard!"


"Wake up idiot.."

I rub my eyes and sat up.

"Why so early.?"

"It's not early everyone left for school-"

"And you didn't wake me up earlier!?"

"Shut up idiot!We won't go to school for at least 3 days."


I stand up and walked to the closet. I look in and took a T-shirt out.

"What are you trying to do?"-Bakugou asked me.

"I will just put it on?"

He sigh annoyed and stood up walking to me. He took the T-shirt and helped me put it on without hurting my arm. I smiled and he just looked away.

"Thank you man!!"

"Yeah yeah. Now let's go have some breakfast. I am starving."

He walked out of the room. I followed behind him and we saw Kaminari and Sero at the common room laughing.

"Good morning guys!!" - I greeted.

"Heya Kirishima, Blasty!!"- shouted Sero.

" What's with the gloomy face Blasty?"- Kami teased him.

He looks at them.

"Dare to call me "Blasty" again and I am ripping your head off"- he smiled.

I step back a little and saw the fear in their eyes.

"Take that thing off your face!!"- shouted Sero.

"What thing"- Baku said.

"That smile!!"- yelled Denki.

" Shut the fuck up."- he walk in the kitchen and started cooking.

I sat next to the others and turn on the TV. Sero and Kaminari continued joking around.

I've must zoned out again because the others were worryingly asking for me.

"Kirishima you alright?"- Denki spoke moving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah you are kinda off today?"- said Sero.

"It's about yesterday probably."-Bakugou put some food on the table.
"Enjoy brats"

I took some and started eating.

"Yeah.. It's about yesterday. I can't stop thinking about the league."- I mumbled.

"Don't worry dude. We are not giving you to them without a fight"- said Sero and started eating too.

" Yep. Count on us!"- denki shouted and took something to eat.

That day was simple. We played games. Made races and watched TV.
Our class came back and we talked with them. Mostly about the fight.
Midoriya also didn't stop asking about my quirk. I felt weird like I already told him all I know.. What can I say anymore?

"And why your quirk stops?"-he said still writing notes.

I froze. I don't know.. I have to find out too.. But I can't. It's just like that.

"Oi nerd! Can't you see he is not in the mood for that!!"- Bakugou said and sit next to me.

"Oh!? I am so sorry Kirishima-kun!!"-he said dropping the notebook.

" It's alright!! Don't worry!"- I said and landed him the note.

He takes it and walked away.
Bakugou just set in silent.
The league.. May hurt him.. Because of me.. I.. I-

"You good?"- he said and looked at me.
"You look like you saw a ghost or something.."

"I.. I am fine.."- I stand up and head to the dorm.

"You know it's late.. I will go to sleep!"-I ran away to my door. That wasn't manly at all.... Sigh.

I closed the door behind my back and lean down.

" Because of me.. My friends will get hurt"

Ah sorry for this boring
chapter!! I didn't have much
time to write it!! But anyway
thank you for reading
my story!! I hope you
like it!!

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