~chapter 57~

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[Bakugou's pov]

Finally able to leave this fucking hospital. 

Me,Todoroki,Aizawa and Eijirou were the only left and leaving today. Now I can see Riot again and uh I guess the old ones too..Ei is going to come for the weekend because I can't be at Aizawa's house non stop. Stupid.

"Oi Bakugou don't forget your phone,it's on the bed."- said half n half.

"Yeah yeah I ain't stupid."- I mumbled taking it and putting it in my pocket.

"We can talk about this one"- he said chuckling a bit.

We went to Eijirou's room where he was half way ready. Icy-hot took his stuffs and I helped him walk out with us.

"Well.."- said Aizawa "See you at school you two..thank you again for being that strong."- he said smiling. 

I put Kirishima on the seat  in the car and looked at Aizawa. "Yeah it was our pleasure."

"See you at school.."- said Todoroki.

We waved towards Eijirou who smiled. "Bye!! We will see each other soon!"- he said and Aizawa get in the car. They drove away and left me and Todoroki alone.

"Well?"- he asked.

"Well what?"

"Wanna walk together? You can come at my house...or no wait old man's still there"- he said.

"You will come to my place."- I said before walking away.

"Wait what? Did Bakugou Katsuki just allow me to come to his house?"

"Don't test your luck asshole."- I said and saw him rushing back to me.


"So what?"

"So how's going with Kirishima?"

"Just perfect..what happened to the hearing ads?"

"Hatsume is working on them..she said they will be ready around 1-2 weeks more."

"She better be fast."

"Calm down..She is trying and for now we can talk with him other ways.."

"It's not the same.."

"True.."- he said before looking at the ground.

"He didn't change too.."- I mumbled.

"Oh not at all. Still the cheerful Kirishima as always."

"Oh how's the situation with Natsuo dude? He looked kind of scared and panicked when he saw you?"- I asked.

"Mm..he is good. Just freaks out when he sees injuries."


"Finally home huh- oh hey dear!!"- my mom said seeing Todoroki.

"Hello miss Bakugou."- he said and I groaned.

"Introduce Bratsuki!!"-she shouted making him alsmost laugh out.

"Bastard this is my shitty mom..mom this is my..uh friend I guess Shoto Todoroki."- I said.

"Nice to meet you Shoto, you can call me Mitsuki thank you for being able to handle that brat here."- she said glaring at me.


"Nice to meet you too miss- uh Mitsuki"- he said.

"Okay dinner will be ready soon you can go to your room."- my mom said before walking away.

"Come on."- I said and walk up the stairs followed by the Icy-hot bastard. We entered my room and I sat on my bed putting my stuffs on their places.

"Nice room."- he said looking around. "Well of course it's mine after all. Now sit somewhere don't stand up it's awkward you asshole."- I said.

He walked around and sat on my chair. He smiled a little.


"Didn't know you are that big of a fan of All might.."- he said checking out my posters.

"Shut the fuck up."- I mumbled.

"Don't you have any games or?"


"Hey Kats..?"- Eijirou asked looking up his phone.

I looked at him.

"Do you think we will be able to finish this year and become herous..?"- his voice cracked.

I stand up from the floor and sat on the bed the pulled him in my lap and put my head on his shoulder. Took the notebook near us and started writing.

" Of course we can be heroes..the skills we showed in the battle proves that we are perfect for heroes don't worry."

"I don't think I can be hero when I am deaf.."- he said letting out a sob.

"Don't you dare fucking cry. I could become deaf too and what? Does this makes me less her-"


"Then stop being insecure about yourself."

"I love you Katsuki"

"Mm...I..I love you too.."- I smiled a little and kissed his neck.

"Promise we will always be together."

"what's the matter?"


"I promise."

"Thank you.."

"You okay?"

"Mhm thanks to you."- he said cheerfully.

I pushed the notebook on the ground and laid on the bed pulling him with me.

"Kat we have to go down for dinner soon?"

I turn my head left and right.

"But Bakuuuu I  am hungry."

I looked at him and he used the shitty puppy eyes.

For god sake.............

I stand up and pick him up heading to the living room.

"Ahhh put me down!! You still have to rest!!!"- he wined. I ignored him and put him on the bar.

"You should let yourself rest.."- he said and I nodded taking something from the fright.

"Hey brat I am heading to  the office!! Don't get in trouble"- my mom shouted waving from the door with smile. "Yeah yeah good luck old hag."- I mumbled.

Eijirou waved back and smiled toothy.

Heyyy!! How's your day!! Look I will try to finish this book tomorrow or in Tuesday? Then I will start new one but I am still thinking about what theme it should be? Anyways I am sorry my Todoroki isn't canon..I am trying..Thank you for the support and see you tmrw!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now