~chapter 37~

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Swearing and talking about drugs.

[Kirishima's pov]

About 3-4 days I was left to "rest" in my room. I don't need rest..
I need to catch those villains.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom.
It was early in the morning. No one else was awake.. Thanks god.

I brush my teeth and fixed my hair.
The reflection at the mirror.. Well..
I lifted up my pijama and looked at the wound. Yep new weak spot.
I shrug and walk away at the garden.
It wasn't completely light around and the moon was still on the sky.
I smiled to myself and lay on the ground.

I have to search about those drugs.. There has to be information.. I just need to search it up hard and find what I need.. Then I will destroy it.

"Ei-chan..?"-voice called for me.
I looked at that direction and saw Eri standing there with sweaty eyes.

"Eri!?"-I ran towards her and looked her up and down for injuries or something. "What happened!?"

"Shhh.. Nothing.. "-she pushed me and closed the door for the inside.
"I had a nightmare.. And when I wake up after one I usually come here.."-she said sitting down. I walk to her and sit down too.

"Wanna talk about it..?"-I asked and she looked at me smiling a bit.

"Never did that before.. but I will try.."-she sigh and looked away.
"There were bad guys.. Who hurt my close ones.. I couldn't do anything to help.."-she mumbled and sobbed.

"Oh.. Hey look.. Everyone is safe.. Shinsou, Bakugou and Aizawa are working on finding the villains. Then we all will be okay."-I said.

"Ei.. I am scared.."-she said and looked at me with tear falling down her cheek. I pull her in deep hug with hand on her head.

"I am sorry Eri.. Please don't cry.. I will protect you and the others..I won't let them near you."-I said tearing up.

"Ei-chan.. Thank you.."-she said hugging me back.

"Of course.. Hey wanna go back to sleep?"-I said and she shake her head.
"Nope.. I want to stay with you"-she said and I smiled.

"Okay but just for a little?"-she smiled and nod.

I laid on the ground and she did the same next to me.

"I love you Ei-chan."-she mumbled.

"I..I love you too Eri"

Well hours after that, Eri fall asleep on me so I brought her back inside to her bed. I smiled and walk away to the kitchen where I sat, sip myself a little juice and opened the laptop to search for information.

"Quirks.. Drugs.. Effects."

After about 3 hours I heard voices around the stairs. Aizawa, Shinsou and Bakugou walk and the kitchen.. They were all staring at me.
"What"-I mumbled.

"What the hell are you doing that early?"-asked Bakugou taking an apple.

"Just searching some information.."-I mumbled. Shinsou looked at the screen and put hand on my shoulder
"You are overworking bro.."-he mumbled.

"No guys please see this."-i said as they all walk behind my back.
I started scrolling through the sites and the things I found.
"Look.. Shigaraki is making hintimo drug.. Something that makes your body unable to move.. After that he is going to work on quirkless one but for our happiness he can't do it without Eri.. And finally he will split my quirk in other creators making them have my quirk."-I said and Aizawa pet my head. "Eijirou-"

"Wait.. Hear me out. Those drugs will change our world.. And the worst is that they are effects after most of them that will make people suffer."-I said and Shinsou scratch his neck.
"What can we do.?"-he asked.
"Make sure they can't get to the chemicals.. And keep an eye for them"-I said. Bakugou looked at me
"What are you going to do.?"
"I will make sure Eri is on save place.."
Aizawa nod and smiled at me.
"I am so proud Eijirou.."
I smiled back.


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