~chapter 33~

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Swearing and homophobia.

[Denki's  pov]

We were walking to the restaurant where me,Shinsou, Bakugou and Kiri have meeting. We were just gonna hang out like normal teens for once!?
Finally far from fights and villains..

"Come on Denks.We will be late"-Shinsou spoke and we walk faster. Soon we were in front of the restaurant and I saw the others eat from the window.

"Oi!? That's not fair!!"-I grabbed Shinsou's hand and walk in going to their table. When Bakugou saw me he smirked.


"You were late and we were hungry. You can't blame us."-he said. innocently.

"Blah blah blah"-I sat down pulling Shinsou by my side. He smiled a bit and we offered food.

"So? Any news for the villains"-I asked and got angry glares and one worried look by Kiri.
"What? "

"You didn't need to put it on."-said Bakugou hugging Kirishima closer.

"I am just trying to help"-I said and Shinsou put hand on my shoulder.
"I know but.. It's not something that Kirishima may want to talk about.."

"Oh.. No it's alright.. I know Aizawa only tells you.. And I am curious too!"-he said giving me a smile.

"Bakugou?"-he said and the blond boy nod.

"Okay well.. Dabi escaped last night seriously injuring Hawks. Also one of the league members is dead.. The hero killed him.."-said Shinsou.

"But they are not allowed to-"-tried to say Kiri.

"Are you trying to protect the villains!?"-yelled Bakugou.

"No just-.. Nothing"-he mumbled.

"The only thing that Aizawa could get from Dabi.. Is that your quirk can be returned.."-Shinsou made a little smile.

"Yey!!"-I smiled and Kiri put his fist together.

"Heck yeah finally!"-said Bakugou putting hand around Kirishima.

And well after that we just continued eating talking about different stuffs.
Bakugou and Kirishima has been flirting from the last 10 minutes.
I gave them a glare and Bakugou point middle finger at me pulling Kirishima in a kiss.

Just at that time person from the table in front sigh loudly making us all look at him. He was tall with blue hair and had girl with glasses next to him.
"Can you keep that gay things.. Away from other people"-he mumbled and made direct eye contact with Bakugou.

"Excuse me!? Are you fucking serious!?"-he yelled and Kirishima hold him on place.

"Can I ask what's your problem with gay people?"-asked Shinsou with death stare.

"It's.. Just I don't want my daughter to grow with this bullshit."-he said.

"Sir.. There is nothing wrong with being gay.."-mumbled Kiri.

"It's not normal.."-he said.

We all were going to leave the restaurant and stand from our table heading to the exit. Bakugou was still trying to beat him up and the girl looked ashamed.

"Look at them Jessica.. They are sick.. You can clearly see it when you are at public."-he said pointing right at Bakugou.

That's when I thought Bakugou will just kill him.

But no-

Guess who punched him right in the face making his nose move at different form!?

Okay I know it's not easy but-

For God sakes it was Kirishima!?

He fucking punched him without flinching.

Then we just left the restaurant being cursed by the man.


"Sorry.. I lost control."-Kiri said and I rubbed his hair.

"Are you kidding me!? You put him back in his place!!"

"I am proud of you Kirishima! That was awesome!! I didn't expect that from you!?"-said Shinsou smiling.

"That was kinda hot. Not gonna lie.."-Bakugou said behind us with smirk.

"Hot?"-Kiri said confused.

"I like when you are angry and pissed off.. It's different side of  you.. That makes me want to know more."-he said biting his lip.

"Here we go again"-I rolled my eyes and Shinsou chuckled.

Kirishima was blushing hard and just laugh along with it.

"Oi don't hide that face from me!?"-Bakugou yelled trying to remove Kiri's hands from his face.

"Nah I am all red.. Give me a min!!"-Kirishina said laughing.

"Nope sunshine I can't do that."- the blonde said.

Bakugou grab him and rolled him, putting him on his back now holding his hands on his chest.
" If you tell anyone I am biting your heads off."-he glared and I laugh as replay.

Then we continued walking.

Shinsou grab my hand and looked away fast.

I smiled and blushed a bit.

I held his hand back as we walk back home.

I am so so sorry that its that short.. And boring!! It's harder than I thought it will be with broken leg..
Anyways!! Still I am so thankful for all the support! See you soon, I hope! Bye!!

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