~chapter 11~

876 16 1

Swearing,blood and angst

[Shinsou's pov]

We checked one place and we found nothing.. Another place.. Again nothing. I could see Bakugou starting to panick even when he didn't want to show it..

"Dunce face.. He told you right.?"-he asked.. His voice was different from the other raspy and mean one.

"Yeah..Well I kind of made him do it.. He was acting weird and I used my quirk just to see if he is okay and he told me."-I said feeling guilty about using it on Denki.

"Tsk.. "

"Oh you don't have to be so dramatic about it.."-I said sarcastic pushing his shoulder.

That worked because I saw a little smirk on his face.


"Bakugou.. It's late.. We should come back before something bad happens.. We will try another time."-i said. We were searching for hours and if dad finds out we are dead meat.

"No.There are 2 more left."-he said and continued to walk in front of me.

"And what if he is not there!?"-I shouted pissed off. I knew he misses him but he is risking to much.

"He is going to be there."

"What if he is already dea-"-before I could finish Bakugou lifted me up by the collar of my shirt.

"Listen here bastard. If you are going to distract me go away to your little boyfriend. I said I will find Kirishima and I am not going back till I do that."-he said it whispering to my ear and dropped me on the ground.

"You are an idiot."-I mumbled. He gave me a glare and continued walking.Then that's when Bakugou saw a person in suit and mask over his face. I saw him making explosions in his fist.I was going to ask him about it but he started walking towards the guy.

"You will have to brainwash him."-he whispered. I nodded slightly and continued with him.

The guy looks like he recognized Bakugou but before he can react the blond boy set explosion at him making him fall on the ground. We run to the villain and Bakugou pinned him on the ground with explosion at his fist.

"Where the fuck is Kirishima!?"-he shouted.

"Be more quiet.They can hear us.."-I whispered to him.

"Tell me.. Where is Kirishima.."

"Bakugou i-"-started the guy.

"Shinsou do it."-Bakugou said giving me a glare.

"Dude..How could you forget about our deal?"-I said nervous if he will catch for it.

"What-"-his eyes widened and he turns to look at me.

"Show us where is Kirishima.."-I said. Bakugou let him go and the man started walking.We were following him for about 15 minutes and then we reach garage? Is that all?! I began to go in but Bakugou stopped me.

"You are staying here. I am going to find Kirishima.. After that we will go back to the dorms.. Make sure this guy here is under control."-he said pointing at the villain.

"But Bakugou what if they catch you?"

"Exactly.. If they catch me you will be here to call for help."-he said and went in the garage by a broken window beside us.

I hope everything is alright.. I hope Bakugou doesn't get to see..

"Tell me how much villains are in here?"-I asked the guy.

" 3."

"And who are they?"

"Tomura Shigaraki, Himiko Toga and Dabi."

"Is Kirishima still alive.. "-that's the question I hardly made myself to ask.


I sigh. Thanks God.. I tied the guy and put him away. I heard voices and hide myself.

"I can't wait!!"-shouted a blond girl.

"Shut up.. You are so annoying."-groaned a boy with scars over his body.

" Both of you shut up."-Shigaraki said.

They left the area.

Please Bakugou be fast.

Okay that was my try
for Shinsou and Bakugou
teaming up. The story is not
over!! I will make it long but I am
little busy and I write slow!!
Thanks for reading! Bye!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now