~chapter 15~

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Swearing and angst.

[Bakugou's pov]

We were sitting in front the room Kirishima was in. I saw Dunce face calling Shinsou's phone and gave it to him.

"Do I tell him?"-he said holding the phone nervous.

"Do what you want.. He will know soon so it's your choice."-I mumbled. It was about 9 am.. So it was time for school and our class probably wonders where are we. Tho we didn't have time to tell any of them.

"Hey Denks"-Shinsou said picking the phone.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about but Shinsou only answered with simply "no" or "yes".

"Well on street "————" , second floor, room 6."-he said.

I looked over and saw a little smile.

"Yeah I will wait for you.See ya.."-the call ended.

"Dunce face is coming.?"-I asked.

"Not only him.. All of them are coming."-he said and tilt his head to the wall.

Aizawa walks to us.

"I called his mother.. And the police is after the LOV.. Everything should be alright.."

"Can we go see Kirishima?"-I asked.

"Sure.. He is still asleep.. "-he said. I nodded and we all walk in the room.
He was sleeping peacefully.. Now without blood. His chest was bandaged.. His arms and his legs.. The wounds on his neck were left to heal without it. I sat next to the bed.

" The doctors said that he barely slept these days.. So he will be asleep for awhile."-Aizawa said.

"Looks like he hasn't been eating too."-Shinsou added. I looked at him and unfortunately he was right.. He was much skinnier.

"Kirishima!?"-dunce face burst in the room.

"I will blow your ass up if you don't stop shouting."-I glared at him.

He nodded and behind him I saw our classmates. Todoroki walks in the room too and looked at me.

"You did it."-he mumbled. I nodded slightly and saw him smile a bit.

"Mr.Aizawa will he wake up soon.?"-asked Deku.

"He will need some time to rest."-he said.

Then we all heard it. Woman's crying..

His mother burst in the room crying hard.

"Eijirou..!? "-she sobbed and get closer to him.
"My Eiji.."-she whispered. I stand up from my chair and give it to her she nodded her head for thanks and sit on it. Her hands were shaking but she managed to hold Kirishima's hands.
"My Eiji.. "-she sobbed.

I looked around the room. Everyone was silent with dark face..No one know what's to lost your son and finally see him again so we just stand looking at her.

"I promise.. Everything will be fine.."-Aizawa whispered and hugged her.

"Who is the one.. I have to thank for saving my son.."-she mumbled.

"Bakugou.Shinsou.. Come here."-Aizawa said as me and the purple haired boy stepped next to them. The woman smiled and hugged us still sobbing. I didn't know what to do and just hugged her back. Shinsou reacted the same.

"Thank you.. Thank you very much boys.. Thank you for bringing him back.. "-she said giving us a smile. I tried my best and smiled back at her.

"Always ma'am.. "-I whispered.

Aizawa nodded proud and I looked away embarrassed.. All my classmates just saw me-

"Don't worry dude.None of us will talk about it"-said tape arms.

"No promises..!"-Pinky giggle.

I heard the black haired woman laugh.. It was sweet.. I haven't seen her do that since Kirishima was kidnapped and now..

"Okay move on.. Kirishima needs rest and his mom wants to stay with him for awhile."-Aizawa said. The other extras left that it was only me, Shinsou, Aizawa, Denki, Todoroki and miss Kirishima.

"Kids.. Can I count on you two to take care of Eri? I have some things to deal with and Mirio have work in the agency.. "-Aizawa said. Good. Now I have to deal with a child.

"Of course you can sensei!"-shouted dunce face. I smacked his head.

"Sure.. "-half and half said.

"Where do we go?"-I mumbled.

"Here."-he gave Shinsou some keys. "Go at my house.. Hitoshi you know the way."

He nodded and took the keys. We left the room.. I looked at Kirishima once again then at his mother. She gave me another smile. I smiled back and continued with the others.

Heya! How are you today?
Honestly I will add
romance between Aizawa
and Hiriko?
Thank you for reading!!

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