~chapter 12~

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Swearing, blood and angst.

[Kirishima's pov]

Damn it.. Another wound.. And my stab doesn't stop bleeding from the last time.

"You ready kid?"-asked Dabi tying my arms again.

"We will be out for a bit and then we are coming back don't worry"-said Shigaraki walking out of the room.

"Sad that I won't be able to play with you anymore!!"-Toga giggled. I glared at her.. It was bad idea because she stuck one of her knifes in my leg.

I groaned loudly.

"You said you won't hurt him today?"-Dabi said.

"I am just messing a bit!!"-she turned off the lights and they all left the room.

How will I walk now!? I.. I was  going to..

I activated my quirk.. And it hurts a lot. I feel like my body will break..
Good that the ropes were cut from my skin. Now I could stand up and leave..
I tried to walk to the door but my whole body hurts. Then suddenly the door opens and... Why him..

Bakugou walked in the room and bumped into me. I fall on the ground as he tried to see who was in the room.

"K-kirishima?"-he whispered.

"Why are you here again!?"-I didn't want to yell at him! Did I?

"What!?"-he closed the door and turns on the lights.
"What do you mean again!?"

"Don't act dumb!! You left me here and now you act like nothing happened!?"-he shouted.

"Kirishima I've never been here before! I came to save you!!"

"After leaving me!?! Do you think I will forget that easily?"-i said as he gave me his hand. I pushed it away and stand by myself holding onto the wall.

"Kirishima what they hell are you talking about!? I came to take you home! Let's go!?"- he said pulling my arm. I guess he forgot..It hurt a lot that made me flinch and Bakugou steps away. "Shit Kirishima!? I am sorry I didn't mean to.."

I tilt my head to the wall looking away from him.

"Let's go Kirishima.."-he said putting hand on my shoulder,looking at the stab. " You need to get to the hospital.."

I looked at him.. How can he just pretend nothing happened..!? I am not that stupid!

He smiled at me.

"Come on.."-he whispered.

I was ready to go when I heard Toga's giggling.

"Bakugou hide-"-I started.

"Shit!? Come on let's run away!"-he whisper yelled.

" Go hide! I am injured and I will only slow us down."- I pushed him away. He looks at me with angry glare and I did the same. That made him finally hide in the closet.

I turn off the lights and fall on the chair again and tried to tie my ropes again but then I heard the door open.

"It's time kid."-said Shigaraki walking to me.

Toga and Dabi followed him.

"Oh my god!! Your leg is all bleeding! It looks awesome!!"-the girl giggled.

I saw Dabi looking around the room.

"Who is here?"-he said looking at me. Shit.. He saw the ropes.

"How did you cut your ropes?!"-Toga said looking at them.

"With.. With my quirk.."-I mumbled.

"I hope you enjoyed it. This was your last time."- Shigaraki said pulling me up the chair.

Dabi grabbed my hand and pushed me through the door. All of them left the room and we started walking away.

[Bakugou's pov]

No.. No no!? I was to late!!

I started searching for my phone but nothing. I could call Shinsou!? He would take some pros and Kirishima would be save!!My mind started to full of thoughts.. That I didn't want to know..

I.. I let them take him..

By that time.

I heard him..



Ayo! Hope you enjoyed
this part!! Thank you!!
See you soon!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now