~chapter 30~

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[Bakugou's pov]

Aghhh... My head hurts. I look down to see Eijirou's face hidden in my chest and smiled to myself.

"Good morning.."-mumbled the red head and looked at me.

"Mm.. Morning"

"How are you feeling?"-he sat up.

"My head hurts.. What happened last night?"-I asked.

"Well first you and Aizawa got drunk.. Then you were acting weird and were fighting? I found out Aizawa is gonna marry my mom and later you were acting pervert"-he said removing his hair of his face.


"Now Aizawa is gonna be your dad?"


"Are you happy?"

"Of course! Why not? He is amazing!"-he smiled.

"Mm.. Okay come on I will go cook something.. I am hungry. And thirsty.."-i heard him chuckle.


[Shigaraki's pov]

Damn it. They caught Dabi.. How.. How will I finish my plan!? I needed him!?Ugh-

"Shiggy.. You good?"-Toga asked looking at me.

"No.. No I am not. Now with Dabi missing.. We can't do anything!?"

"Dude.. Calm down.. We will get him back.."-said Twice leaning on the couch.

"Where is the boy's quirk.."

Toga ran out of the room and after awhile came back with the tube.
"Here!!"-she smiled.

"What are you going to do with it?"-asked Twice.

"You two find a way to help Dabi escape.. If we don't start soon the heroes will stop us before we can do anything.I will go with Spinner and Mr.Compress.. We will try the quirk on the Nomu."-I said and stand up from my sit.

"Wait Shiggy!It's dangerous!! What if we can't keep it under control in? Let's wait a bit till we have more and let them in the city?"-said Toga playing with the tube with her hands.

She is right. I am not gonna use the whole thing but it will still make a problem.

"Okay then I will just try to make the liquid bigger for more Nomus."-I said and they stand up going to the door.

"See you!"-Twice left.

"Be careful with those chemistry things Shiggy"-Toga messed my hair,gave me the tube and left.

"Kurogiri!!"-I shouted and he appeared in front of me.

"You called-"

"Take me to the laboratory."-I showed him the thing in my hand.

"Shigaraki...why do we have-"

"Come on.. We have to do it fast."

He sigh and opened his portal for me.
I walk in and after a second I was in the laboratory that Darumo owned..

I grab some different chemicals and started working with Kurogiri to help me.

I made a small explosion but the man fast opened portal and send it away.
"You will only hurt yourself.."

"I know what I am doing."

"I was put to look over you.. But you are starting to go over the line."

"Shut up."

"I am just saying-"

"SHUT UP!? GO AWAY IF YOU WILL JUST STAY AND MESS AROUND"-I yelled at him. He nod slightly and left.

Ugh.. This..

Always has to act like my father.

"All you are not my father!? I am grown enough to choose my own future!??"

Not like he could hear me..


I continued working.. And soon it was twice than before. I smiled to myself.
This will be enough.
If AFO could see...he would be happy.
But heroes.. Always that stupid heroes.. Heroes are always right!?

Heroes always win!?

Well hey won't win this time.

They will fail and the whole world will see who they gave their lives to..

They will see the bad side of this world.

The hand covering my face fall on the ground.

I looked at it and smiled.

"You are right father.. They will see who is the boss.."-I picked it up.

I cleaned my things and left.

I knew Kurogiri wouldn't come back to take me in the base so I will walk alone..

Hope Toga and Twice are doing good with helping Dabi.

If I can beat mini All might.. I will be able to defeat everyone else.
Well Bakugou Katsuki might be a problem.. But he will be busy. I hope.
It's important how we will manage to construct our plan and attack.
If we mess up.. We will easily fail..

Ah. I almost forgot about Eraserhead.. He will try everything to stop his students from injuring but the question is.. If he will die for them?

I smirk.

Heya!! Thank you for reading my story, for all the comments and voting! I really appreciate it❤!
But there is something that really made me think.. The end of the book may be with dead or either ----,but it will be something that I haven't seen before and I am scared that people won't like it.. So my question is if I should kill the person or no?

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