~chapter 59~

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⚠Warning⚠ Swearing

[Kirishima's pov]

"Now come on we have...uh..extra class or some shit like this."- said Bakugou pulling me with him.

I can't believe it..I am hearing again..

When we got in front of the classroom's door he stopped.

"It's quiet"- I said and he nodded. "Maybe they finally disappeared from this world?"- he said smirking. "Bakuuuu that's not nice-"

"And i ain't nice now come on."- he said.

I opened the door-

"SURPRISE!!?!"- shouted my classmates.

"Oh..oh my God you did this for me!?"- I asked.

The whole room was decorated and there was so much food and random presents. It was so beautiful.

"Tell me you can hear me Kirishima!!"- yelled Sero.

"I can hear you guys calm down!"- I said.

Everyone started hugging me and things.

"Come on Kiri me and Jirou wrote a song!!"

"We baked cake!!"

"We have the new video game you wanted!!"

"Hey Eijirou.."- said Aizawa behind me.

"Huh-"- I turned around but before I could say anything he hugged me.

"I am glad you are back.."- he said smiling.

"Me too.."- I whispered and hugged back.

"Let the party begin!!"- yelled Denki.


I took my jacket and carefully left the dorms. It was raining but it felt nice.

The way there wasn't long but it felt longer that it should have.

I was listening to a playlist Jirou and Momo did for me walking slowly through the alley.

When I got there it wasn't looking that bad. I mean I expected worse..

I asked the policeman and he said where to go.

Down the hall left door and all the way in.

It was dark.

"Hey..Toga"- I said entering the room.

"Kiri..you came!?!"- she shouted trying to reach me.

The quirkless chains didn't allow her to get to me so I walked to her.

"I promised..and a man always keeps there promises."- I said before petting her hair.

"Thank you.."- she said.

"Welcome."- I said before leaning back on the wall. "How are they treating you?"

She sat next to me leaning her head on my shoulder. "Nice..better than Dabi and Shigaraki..the food is better than what we ate back there and is warm and good."

"If anything is wrong you can always tell me and I will try to stop it."- I said and she hummed.

"What's that on your ear.?"- she asked.

"Oh hearing aid."- I said and she gasped.

"Don't tell me-"

"Nah don't worry I can hear everything as long as I wear these."- I smiled.

"I am so sorry Kiri.."

"I said it's fine trust me."

"If you say so.."


"hey..can you sometime go to Dabi and Shigaraki...I want to know how are they doing.."- she said looking at the ground.

"Okay."- I mumbled and she wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you." - she mumbled and I hugged her back.

"Wanna play some cards? I also brought my phone with some music on it if you want?- I asked. She smiled wide. "yes yes!! Can we do both??"- she asked and I nodded.

"Are you hungry?"- I asked.

"The food hour passed before a few hours..but yeah."- she said.

"Okay give me a minute. I will take some food and come back k?"- I asked and she nodded.

I got back with few bags full with different food.

"Sorry for being late?  Some kids wanted autograph and I panicked. "- I chuckled.

"It's alright!"- she said.

I sat in front of her and took out two chocolate milks and some other snacks then took out the cards and placed them in front of us and finally put some music on.

She smiled and we started playing.


"Thank you for coming again.."- she said.

"You are welcome I will see you next week!!"- I said and with that left the place.

I was there for about 3 hours and now it was 5 am in the morning.

When I get back to the dorms it was still with lights off thanks God.

I walk in slowly and carefully without making any sound.

I took the stairs and finally I was in front my dorm.

I slowly opened the door and walk in putting my jacket away.

"Where were you?"- asked Bakugou turning on the lights.

"Jeez..you scared me man."- I said and changed myself.

"Eijirou. Where the hell were you"- he said harshly.

"To visit someone.."- I  mumbled.

I couldn't tell him it was Toga because he will get mad and-

"Are you cheating on me?"- he said with his voice colder.

"Wha- no!! I would never do such a thing!"- I said.

"Then with who and where were you!!!"- he yelled.

"The others are asleep.."

"I don't give a fuck. Tell me."

"I was to the prison..for Toga.."- I said.

His face become darker.

"Are you fucking serious..she is a villain!?!"

"But she helped me!?!"- I said.

"If it wasn't her none of us would be hurt!"

"She tried to be good!!"

"Oh huh!?! She never tried.."- he said.

"You know what..I am not going to argue with you."- I said before I turned off the hearing aids.

He mouthed something but of course how should I know what.

I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.

[Bakugou's pov]

"You know what..I am not going to argue with you."-he said before his hand reach the hearing aids.

"Wait fuck- I am sorry please don't!"- I said but he ignored me and laid back on the bed.


𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now