~chapter 2~

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⚠Warning ⚠
Swearing (because of Bakugou)

"Tsk" - mumbled Bakugou

I looked at him and he looked back.

"What do you want hair for brains? "

"Nothing! "

"You are weird."

"I know."

Then we reach Recovery girl's cabinet and walked in.

"Oh that burns will heal really fast, there is barely any damage."-she said bandaging my arms.

" Then-"

"What about his fucking quirk?"-Bakugou asked before I could finish my sentence.

" Well I don't know how to fix it. If it stops and turns on without a warning, just try to calm down. I can't say anything else."-she said.

Bakugou was hella pissed. He looked at me then back at her and grabbed me by the back of my neck pulling me outside.

"Tsk,you didn't help! "-he shouted.

" Thanks!! "-I yelled to her as Baku was dragging me away.

I was quite for a moment.

" Bro?"

"What? "

"Can you stop? "-he looks at me and then drops me.

" Thanks man! Well what are we going to do now? "-i asked

" I don't really care."- he said with angry tone.

"We can go swim with the others or we can go hang out with Midobro and his squad, they are going to the park?"

He look at me annoyed.I know he didn't like Midoriya but he can't ignore him all the time.

"Let's go swim with the dumbasses."

"Alright! Last one to the dorm will cook the dinner!! "

As I said that we started racing, of course Bakugou won because he used his quirk to explode himself to it.
I rushed in my room and put my suit on,took a towel and my crocs and waited for Bakugou to be ready.

He can't hate Midoriya that much.. He is our classmate. Bakugou saw many times that they are a great teammates, why does he still ignore him.. ughh..Hard person..

"Oi let's go."-Baku said looking at me.

As we walk to the pool we barely said a word. I was to busy checking him out.


We reach the pool.Denki and Sero were there. I put my towel away and put down my crocs. Denki looked at me and understood. I jumped at the pool throwing water at my friends.

" WHAT THE HELL!? "-yelled the angry boy.

Pikachu and Sero were laughing hard. I laugh softly at the look of Bakugou with wet hair. He really looks like angry dog.

" Sorry man! You will get wet anyway so it doesn't matter!!" - I shouted as he put down his things.
He smirked and blast himself up. When he reach the pool he throw water at us and we started laughing.

"We should make a race?"-said Sero.

" Dude, Bakugou is going to use his quirk so we are loosing anyway."-replied Denki.

"Okay fine you extras I won't use it.I will prove you that I can beat you without my quirk."-angry but proud said the blond.

We set on the start line ready to start.




We all jumped at the water.
Bakugou was in front of us but soon we reach him.
But then my quirk turned on.. My legs were hard and I started going down.
I took a breath and tried to stop it but nothing.
The others were going to reach the end. I slowly closed my eyes as my breath slowly goes away.

Then I felt something wrapping around my waist and it took me out the water. It was Sero's tape. They laid me on the ground.

" What happened Kirishima!?"-shouted Denki

"You were going to drown!!"-started Sero.

Bakugou was looking at me.

"Your stupid... quirk."-he said.

I cough some water and my quirk stopped.

"I didn't know it will turn on.."

"What would happen if we weren't here huh!?"

I looked away. He is right.. I would drown.. I am so useless..
I felt my eyes tear up but I couldn't let them see me cry.. That's not manly..
I rubbed my eyes and stand up smiling.

"Well now everything is fine! How about we go for dinner after 30 minutes? "-I asked

Bakugou just rolled eyes but the others agreed.
Everyone went to their room and started getting ready.
I put black T-shirt with ripped sleeves and shorts, tied my red shoes and fixed my hair.
Where should we go? Hmmmm we can go to the spicy restaurant! Bakugou likes spicy food!! Yes!

I ran to the other side of my room and took my wallet. There wasn't much money but it will be enough to pay our dinner.
Well if we were more I probably couldn't..
As Aizawa said Midoriya will be on special training with All might so he left already. Todoroki and Bakugou aren't to happy to be in one room together so I won't bother.
The girls have sleepover night and the others are busy.

I walk out of the dorms and waited for the boys.

" Hey bro! "-said Denki as Sero was looking at his phone.

" Hey!!"

"Let's go dumbasses!"-said Bakugou

We walk to the restaurant and sit there.

Heya! Thank you for reading this story !! I hope you like it and if you want to see anything else tell me!!

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