~chapter 18~

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Swearing and amnesia.

[Bakugou's pov]

Soon we were about to leave Kirishima to rest and go back at Aizawa's house.
Don't know why I am staying with those extras... I could go home.

"Hey.. Bakugou.?"-kirishima asked before I could leave.

"What do you want?"-I asked. I really didn't want to talk with him after all of this.

"I just..Are we friends.?"-he asked. His voice was... Well sad and worrying.

"Why would you ask"

"Well.. You didn't really want to talk with me.. And you avoided eye contact.. Did I do something.?"-was he crying?! I could here soft sobs..

"It's complicated."-I walked out the room.

"Oh.."-was the last thing I heard.

I really didn't want to upset him. Just... Facing him.. Is hard.. I couldn't help him back there.

"Yo Bakugou, everything okay?"-asked dunce face leaning onto my shoulder.

"Don't touch me."-I glared at him and pushed him off.

"Calm down Blasty. No need to be rude."-the purple bitch said while we were walking outside the hospital.

"Whatever.."-I mumbled.


"Bakugou.."-mumbled icy-hot.

It was about 2 am and I couldn't sleep. He must feel the same way.

"What?"-I groaned.

"I can't sleep.."

"Me neither.."

"Is it because of Kirishima.?"-he said sitting up.

"What else do you think dumbass.."-I looked at him.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It will be okay.."

"No it won't."-I said.


"It won't be okay!? He forgot every single thing about me..He.. He doesn't know who am I.. And the worst thing is.. If he ever remembers it.. He will remind himself about the fight we had.."-I said glaring at him. He was shocked but stayed calm.

"What.. What fight.. "

"When I came to save him.. He was acting weird and refused to come with me.. He was scared that I would betray him.. The fear in his eyes.."-I said and lowered my eyes down.


"He.. He said I was there before.. That I left him laughing.. I would never do that... I swear.."-I was tearing up.

No I can't!? Not in front that bastard!!

"Bakugou..i believe you.. but we will have to explain it to Kirishima.."-he said.

"He didn't trust me.. If.. If that really happened.. Now he will never believe me.."-I mumbled.

Todoroki looked at his feet.
"It was Toga.."


"She has quirk like that.. Turning into other people when drinking their blood.. Maybe when you were fighting with her she took some and messed up with Kirishima.. And he probably was to scared to remember that Toga can do those things and believed.. I would be scared too?"
"But.. As soon as he remembers.. He will leave me.."-I mumbled.

"No he won't.. He isn't like that.. How many times did you say him to fuck off.. And that you didn't want to be friends? Well he still stays with you after all.. And I am sure if we explain him he will understand.?"-he said smiling a bit.

"No..you..you didn't see the fear in his eyes.. He was scared from.. From me..?That never happened before.. And he was angry at the same time.. Angry.. Like.. Like he really wanted to fight with me.. I've never seen him angry.. "-I was already crying.I couldn't stop it.. And I didn't know why I was crying..

Then I felt Todoroki sit next to me.

"Bakugou.. I promise.. Everything will be fine.."-he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I let him down.. "-I whispered.

He wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Don't get to soft on me.. bastard."



I took my phone and looked at it.

Kirishima texted me?


Kirishima texted me!?

"Why is he awake.?"-Todoroki mumbled.

(Bold-Bakugou ; Underline-Kirishima   )

Hey Bakugou.. you awake?

"What do I say?"-I looked over Todoroki.

"What do you think? Tell him yes jeez.."-he said looking at my phone.

Yeah. Why?

I.. I had a nightmare and there is no one near my room.. You were the first one on my messages so I decided to text you.

"He had a nightmare?"-asked icy-hot.

What was the nightmare about..?

I was in small dark room.. And there was some bad guys.. And they were cutting me with knifes and there was one who burned me with fire. When I woke up I could feel the pain..

Me and Todoroki looked at each other.

There was to much blood.. And screaming..

"Tell him..tell him that-"

It's okay.You are safe now..

Half n half smiled.

Thank you Bakugou..

Can you go sleep now.?You have to rest.

I.. I am scared it can happen again.

If it happens.. Call me and we will talk.

You sure?

Wouldn't say it if I wasn't.

Thank you Bakubro!!


"Bakubro?Well that's good.. He will remember you soon"-said Todoroki.
"You were kind too?"

"I.. I was trying to help him.. I know what's to have those nightmares but it looks like his are worse than what mine were like."-I mumbled putting my phone away.

"It will leave a mark in his life.. But he will be fine."-Todoroki walked back to his bed. "Goodnight?"


Well I kinda forgot to
update and now I
have to make at least
5 chapters in less
than a day so I can
reach Christmas-
Sorry!!! Anyways thank you
for reading my story!! Bye!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now