~chapter 31~

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Swearing,blood and death (that's not the character I was talking about in the last chapter!! The question is still on.)

[Toga's pov]

"Hey Twice.."


"Do you think Shigaraki's plan will work.?"

He looked at the ground and then up again. We were walking to the place where they keep Dabi in. I was going to transform as random policeman and pretend I am taking Twice in too.

"I can't tell.. Shigaraki is trying to do something really dangerous.. And if we mess up we are fucked up."-he said and I nod slightly.

We reach the place and I quickly pull one of the guys behind the street.

"What the-"-I sliced his throat and blood started dripping down.

"Let's do it fast.."-mumbled Twice.

I drink a little from the blood and told twice to look away. He did and I started removing my clothes. By the time I was done I transformed.

"Let's go.. "-I said and grab Twice putting his hands behind his back.
I slowly walk in and people started starring at us.

"Fuck off let me go!?"-yelled Twice.

"You need help over there?"-asked one of the policemen.

"Nah I am alright.."-I said and he nod.

"Bring him down the floor to the other villain.. The one with burned skin. "-he said smirked.

I will kill him later.

"Okay see you later.."-I faked smile and pull Twice.

When I saw we are off their view I stopped holding Twice and we quickly walk to Dabi. He looked at us confused.

"Are you that stupid.. How did you get caught?"-he said.

"Man... I am not stupid.. We are here to get you out"-Twice said and I took off some keys from my belt.I opened the gate and Dabi walks to us. I saw that his hands were tied and with Twice we helped them free.

"Come on let's go before they get suspicious."-Dabi said smirking. I smiled and we start walking out.
There were only 3 cops in the room so Dabi set it on fire. They started screaming and yelling for help but soon all of them were laying on the ground completely silent. I giggled while Twice laugh pushing Dabi's shoulder.

"Good job buddy.."-he said and we walk out. We were walking from the side with small streets, where the only things we could see were dirty cats and some poor people.

But then.

"Though so.. You are not that hard to read villains.."-mumbled the hero with wings on the back as he walk in front of us. "You could at least try not to leave dead body.."-he said and smirked.

"Are you gonna fight us?"-asked Twice.

"Yeah.. I am planning to."-he said and took off some feathers. He let them free in the air. Dabi started attacking him with fire, I was trying to get close but he kept throwing feathers at me.
Twice pull me and said to run, that Dabi could hold him but I refused.

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