~chapter 58~

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⚠Warning⚠ Swearing

[Bakugou's pov]

We came back to school. We had an exam but it was hella easy for me. I helped Kirishima and the other extras to study and I hope they passed. Then we had a training hour where I ended up first along with Deku and Eijirou. 

He is going well..I mean it doesn't really stop him being a hero when he is deaf and he is still awesome. Even tho his reactions are slow..

We are back at the dorms and we have roommates now..I landed with the three idiots and eye bags..Deku is with Todoroki,bird brain,sparkles and four eyes and Octopus is with Kouda, Sugar lips and tail dude..The girls are separated on 2. In one room are Pinky, Earphone bitch and Ponytail..and in the second are Frog girl, Round face and Invisible bitch.

Just perfect right? Kaminari still hasn't forgive me and it's pretty awkward..

Even the others are trying to help us get along but Dunce face is ignoring me.

"Okay I want you to separate on 3. Your goal is to defeat the other teams. Please choose whoever you want but look out,it's better if your quirks work good together."- said All might.

We were in the training hall.

Okay I have to choose 2 people..One of them is 100% Kirishima and the other...Kirishima came to me with a smile. "Wanna be in one team?"- I nodded and he smiled more.

Then I spoke Kaminari..We are a good team? And if we work well he may forgive me.

"Oi Kaminari. Wanna join my team.."- I said with harsh tone. Okay I really want him to forgive me but I can't be soft..so just go with it.

"Your team?"- he looked at me then at Kirishima who waved. "Okay...but I am joining so I can make sure you won't hurt Kirishima."- he said walking to him.

"Deal. Your quirk will help us a lot. Let's make a plan."- I said and he nodded Kirishima looked confused for a moment before I explained him.

"Okay the teams are..Deku,Round face and four eyes, Todoroki,bird brain and Ponytail , Jirou, Pinky and Tape arms...."

After we finished the plan we  were ready to start fighting.

We decide we won't fight with the other half of the squad- well they decided I wanted to fight but we won't. If they win against the other teams we will have to.

We started with Deku's team.

I was going for the nerd,Kirishima for Iida and Dunce face for Uraraka.

While I was fighting I found out this dumbass have learned new skills. Again.


Turns out the last fight was with Icy-hot,Ponytail and bird head. It wasn't an easy win but it was worth it. 

"You know Bakugou..I am glad I teamed with you."- said Dunce face smiling a bit.

"Oh really?"- I smirked.

"Don't push your luck asshole."- he said chuckling.

Then without a warning Kirishima wrapped his arms around us. 

"everything good now??"- he asked smiling.

I looked at Kaminari and he nodded then we both nodded and Eijirou smiled more. "Finally!!"

"It's good to see you back getting along"- said Sero walking to us with Pinky and Earphone bitch.

"True."- Jirou spoke.

"Now we can finally have normal sleepovers!!"- yelled Ashido.

"Hell no you wish!?"- we heard Aizawa's voice.

And started laughing.


"Okay? So it's finally ready?"-  I asked and Todoroki nodded.

"Fuck yeah when can he get them?"

"We have to take him to Hatsumi,the only thing she has to see is if they work so when you are able to take Kirishima and come to the lab in the afternoon.?"- he said.

"Okay..where you going to go?"

"Midoriya and the others wanted to make Kirishima a surprise when he gets back so I decided to join them."

"Mm..good I guess."- I walked away. 

"Thank you."- I mumbled and heard him chuckle.

As fast as I could I went to our dorm room where Kirishima was playing box again.

"Oh hey Bakugou where were you"- asked Sero.

"Probably fighting with Midoriya again?"- laugh Dunce face.

"Chill..why are you in rush?"- asked Shinsou.

"I need Kirishima.."- I said before tapping Eijirou's shoulder. "Oh hey Kat! What's up"- he asked. "Get dressed and come with me"- I sighed. "Okay give me a minute!"- he walked away.

"Where are you going??"- asked Kaminari.

"Dateeeeeee?????"- Tape arms spoke chuckling.

"Hatsume girl made hearing aids."- I mumbled. 

Their eyes widened. 

"You serious.?"- asked dunce face.

"Wouldn't joke with those type of things.."- I said. They all looked happily and wanted to ask more but then Kirishima came in the room dressed up. "Ready!!"- he said smiling.

"Okay..Well you dumbasses can go in the classroom.. Deku is doing something."- I said before walking away with Eijirou.

"Sooo..where are we going?"- he asked. I ignored him and continued walking towards the lab. "Don't ignore me!!"- he shouted. I smacked his head to shut him up. That didn't work because he just laughed. "Sorry!!"

We arrived and I slowly opened the door.

"Hey Bakugou!!! Kirishima!! Come on!! You have to see my new babies!"- she started jumping around. Too loud. Eijirou was looking confused and just walked behind me.

"Be fucking quite you bitch."- I glared and she giggled.

"Yeah sorry.!"- she said and tapped the chair next to the table. Eijirou sat on it and looked around confused. "Bakugou..what's happening?"- he asked.

I stepped away to make place for the slutty girl "Trust me."- I sighed. He nodded and Hatsume started putting some things on his ears. They looked like earings and were red and black. They are cool..He was with closed eyes while she was slightly stroking his hair to calm him down.

"All done!!"- she said and stepped away.

"So now he can hear us..?"- I asked and looked at him.

"Nope he needs to press a button right behind his ear so he can activate them."- she said showing him how to do it. He did it and looked at me.

"Hey Ei.."- I said kneeling down.

"I..i can hear you..I can hear my own words!?!"- he said cheerfully and tearing up.

"Come on are you going to cry now?"- I said and he smiled hugging me.

"God I can hear you!!?"-he shouted.

"Thank you hatsumi!!!"- he yelled and she smiled.

"Welcome!!If there is any kind of a problem..text me! Or come to me"- she said and he nodded.


𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now