~chapter 3~

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Swearing, blood and fighting scenes

Everyone ordered food and we started talking about how we can't wait to be a heroes.Bakugou has been saying that he will be number 1 and that probably will happen.. Midoriya broke his arms again and the doctors said him that he will have limited time to fight but at least his dream to save people with smile is real.

Our food came and we started eating.

"Did someone tell Mr. Aizawa we are going out? "-asked Sero. I forgot about that. He will get angry again.

" I did!"-shouted Denki.

"Bless you man! If it wasn't you we would probably be stuck in his scarf"- I said as Bakugou ate his food in piece.

We were talking when the restaurant window broke and Nomu was in it.
He look at us.

" Kaminari, Sero take the people to a safe place"-i shouted knowing that Bakugou will want to fight.

Denki and Hanta ran away helping people as the monster was coming closer.


Nomu turn his head to me mumbling something. I didn't know they can talk. What did it say?

" You. "-that was what he said.

Bakugou's eyes widen. I didn't know how to react. Why would they want me!?

The monster was going to punch Baku but I hard myself and pushed him of the way. This hit was hard. It send me 2 meters away. I ran back and saw my friend throwing explosions.
As we kept fighting the building started crushing. We tried to move away but the monster didn't want to.
It was already on fire and I saw Bakugou trying to take air.
I hard my body more and with Bakugou's explosions we get out of the building.

" Man!! We should call the pros!"-i shouted.


We kept fighting. More and more.
Bakugou had bruises and I could feel my arm broken but Nomu wanted to rush around the streets and we couldn't let him.
And suddenly my quirk stopped again. The monster hit me really hard making me throw blood and hit in the wall far from us.I felt so goddamn weak. I couldn't move at all.

" KIRISHIMA!?"-yelled bakugou

He started attacking Nomu and after a while Denki and Sero came helping him. But as soon as that happened he disappeared.

Bakugou run over to me and pulled me on his lap. Denki and Sero came too.

"YOUR STUPID QUIRK!?"-yelled Baku


Hanta took his phone and started calling. Denki knees next to me and took off my T-shirt helping me breath more.

"They will come after 15 minutes.."-said Sero

" LIKE HELL I'LL WAIT 15 MINUTES"-he shouted and he took me up bridal style.

I can say I probably passed out because when I woke up I was in white hospital room.I heard doctors talking and stuff.

"Kirishima!?"-Denki burst in the room.

" We were worried sick!!"-Hanta came too.

Bakugou just walked in and sat on the chair looking at me.

"Your arm is broken.They said that your lungs got hit hard and will probably effect you but you will be able to use your quirk soon."-he said with serious tone.

" Thank you for bringing me here!"- I shouted.

"Always!"-said Denki.

" You are welcome man!"-shouted Sero

Bakugou was looking at me. Did I make something wrong? That feeling again..

"Bakugou, did I do something?"-he looked at my eyes.

" No. Just...you are supposed to be unbreakable. You can't let stupid villains break you."- he said as he looks away with slight pink shade on his cheeks.

"Eh, if my quirk stops doing this strange thing"

"Anyway... we should get going, Mr.Aizawa is waiting for us in the car!"- said Sero

" I totally forgot!!"-shouted Denki as he ran out the room.

"Wait for me-"-Sero ran out too.

Bakugou walked to the bed and helped me get up. He put his arm around my waist and helped me stand still.

" Does it hurt?"-he said seriously.


We walked out as he takes my stuff and we went to Aizawa's car. He greeted us and we sit down.
Bakugou was next to me and he kept asking me if I am okay or if it hurts..
That was hella sweet..
I could feel my cheeks go red but I couldn't show it..

Heya!! Thank you for making it to here!! I really hope someone enjoys this story! Anyways if you want to share something do it!!


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