~chapter 20~

698 12 3

Swearing, amnesia

[Bakugou's POV]


We were hanging out in the town heading to the mall.. I wasn't really happy about it.. I didn't want something to happen to Kirishima. What if the league finds him..because I left him!?

"Hey Bakugou.? You alright"-he said leaning onto my shoulder.

I pushed him off.
"Yeah.. "

"Oh-.. Okay!! So..... "-he started again.

If they touch him again. I will fucking kill them. No one can touch my Kirishima.. No one.. They will pay for what they did. I will find them and destroy them.


" Okay man see you later at the cafe?"-he asked heading to the other shops.


"Cool!"-he ran away.

I walked into on of the shops.
I already knew what to get him..
There was place when you can do custom shoes and backpacks.
I was going to do some Crimson riot things.. Maybe shoes is better?

"Hello sir! Would you like any help?"-said young girl in the shop.

"Gift.. for Christmas."-I mumbled.

"Fantastic!!For a friend or?"-damn it she is to loud.

"Yeah.. Friend.."

"Something custom?"

"Yeah.. Whatever I want right?"

"Yep!! We can add heroes or cartoons?? Whatever you like!"

"On shoes?"

"Yep!! Come with me!"-she pulled me away to the back of the shop.

"Here choose type of shoes and color! What size too?"-she said showing me.

"Black..6.0.. Casual.."-I mumbled.

She took the shoes and started doing something on the computer.

"What do you want to be with?"

"Crimson riot."

"Isn't that old hero?"-she looked at me with eyebrow up.

"Yes.Also.. Can I make it?"-I asked looking at the computer.

"Hm? Yeah it's your choice!!"-she said and moved away.

I set on the computer and started making the design.


It looks amazing.

I may keep them.


Is special for Kirishima.

"Done."-I mumbled.

"Okie-doki!They will be ready after 15 minutes!"-she said and walks to the machine near the computer.

"Mhm.."-I sat down on a chair and took my phone.

Hey Kirishima?

Oh hey Bakubro!! Give me some time!!

Dw. I am not ready too.. Just wanted to check if everything is alright..

Yep! I am alright

Good.. See you after 15 minutes?


I went to check my social media.. Oh and the news..


The villains are not found.

I swear..

I will find them faster than those lame pros.

I looked up the phone and saw a girl choosing clothes staring at me.

"What are you staring at?"-I mumbled.

"You? You are a friend of the kid that was kidnapped right..?"-she said nervous.

"Yeah problem?"-I glared at her.

"Is.. Is he okay.?"-she walks closer to me.


"Thanks god.. "

"Why do you care.?"

"He was.. Old friend for middle school.. And when I saw the news I couldn't help but start worrying about him."-she said.

"Name?"-I asked.

"Kya Kendou."-she said.

I looked at her. Guess she isn't lying.

"Is his quirk back.?"-she asked.


"Do you think he is able to get it back..?"-Kendou said tilting her head a bit looking worried.

"Of course he is... Kirishima is strong."-I said.

"Yes he is!!"-she shouted giving a smile. Those smile that Kirishima gives when he says something with manly in it again.

"Sir your shoes are ready!!"-shouted the woman over the machine.

"Guess you have to go.. Can you tell Ei-chan I said hi??"-she said happily.

I looked at her.

Should I?

I know Kirishima doesn't like his past..

"Yeah."-I mumbled and walk away.

"Thanks!!"-she shouted.

The girl handed me the shoes.

They really look like something Kirishima may wear.

He will like them!!


"Do you like them??"-she said proudly.

"Hell yes I do!?"-I shouted.

She clapped her hands together.
"I am glad!!"

"How much?" -I asked.

She took back the shoes and puts them in black box with red decoration around it.
"23 dollars."-she said giving the box back.

I smiled but quickly hide it and gave her the money.

"Thanks!! Come back anytime!"-she said as I walked out the shop heading to the cafe on the last floor.

Hm? He isn't there.. He is fine right?

I talked with him before 15 minutes!?

I quickly took my phone out and messaged him.

Where the fuck are you shit head?

Oh sorry bro! Just leaving the shop!!

I let out a sigh.

Better hurry up before I blast your ass away.

Okay man!!

Sorry for slowly
updating!! I was busy!!
But I will try my best to write faster!!
Hope you all have amazing Christmas!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now