~chapter 41~

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⚠Warning ⚠  Swearing,blood and self hate.

[Nobody's pov]

It was about 3 am and Kirishima couldn't sleep at all so he was up playing box again.

Outside was raining and he thought it's satisfying..so he grab his jacket and ran outside heading...he didn't know where he was going,he just enjoyed to be under tha rain.

Even thought he was feeling alright before a minute..bad thoughts full his head making him frown. He was thinking about his father now..

Before he realize he was in front of UA. The school was completely empty from how it looked from the outside. He sigh and tears started streaming down his face.He walks in the little forest near the school and sits beside a three.


"why did you have to be so weak!?"

"Everybody around you suffers!And it's your faulth!!"

"Coward..can't even fight anymore without hurting yourself."

He let out a loud painful scream that made huge echo in the forest.The rain was getting bigger and the wind was making Eijirou cold. 

He started hitting the three with his fist then kicking it and all again.

He screamed one more time before falling on his knees crying out.

"Impressive..but you still won't do anything with just beating up a three."- said Dabi walking to the boy who back away slowly making his hands in fist. "Are you stalking me again?"- asked the red haired boy giving a glare. "Woah calm down buddy..I am not here to hurt you..Or am I?"-he laugh then kicked the boy's legs making him fall with groan. "What do you want?!"-yelled Kirishima jumping towards him and pinning him on the ground. The villain laugh and looked right inside the red eyes. "What do you want!?"- repeat Eijirou growling. Dabi smirk and burns the arms that were pinning it. Kirishima didn't even flinch..he growled and his eyes become darker. "Acting though huh? Wonder if your father will like you now.."-he smirked. Kirishima let go and backed away. "He is not my father anymore."-he mumbled and stand up fixing his shirt. "He said that you are his son..or he lied to us..how sad"- the black haired man said standing up too. "When did you talk to him!?"-shouted Kirishima and Dabi smiled.

"What?Why do you want to know..thought he isn't your father anymore?"

"Tell me?!"- Kirishima made a punch making Dabi back away holding his nose.

"Listen I am not here to fight you?!I came here to ask if you want to come with me..and your father."- Dabi said licking his lip that was covered in blood.

"Did you thought I will join your psychopath group!?I trained to become a hero!!"

"Yoshido's son hero huh...Wonder what other people will think about it"- Dabi made a fire wall around them making Kirishima's eyes widen.

"You will put the forest on fire!!Stop this!"- yelled Kirishima after seeing that the rain doesn't help. Dabi walked closer to Eijirou and pinned him to the three.

"You should think about it..many innocent people may be hurt."- whispered Dabi in his ear.

Dabi's hand was over Eijirou's mouth without letting him talk.His other hand was holding his wrists so he doesn't escape and his leg was between Kirishima's ones stopping him from fighting.

"We may give you part from your quirk back.."

"Fuck off!!"- Kirishima bite his hand making Dabi let go of his mouth with groan. The haand was bleeding and Kirishima's mouth was with blood. "Did you just bite me freak?!"- he yelled and burn his wrists making him whimper. "Know your place little bastard or else I will show you where it is."- he whispered in Eijirou's ear. 


Kirishima's phone rang. Dabi smirk and takes it out from his pocket.

"Your boyfriend is calling..Wanna mess with him?"-Dabi asked with big smirk on the face.Kirishima tried to break free but nothing happened. "Leave him alone!!"- he yelled.

Dabi picks up,puts on speaker and closed Eijirou's mouth.

"Where the hell are you bastard!?!"- yelled the angry male from the phone.

Kirishima tried to say something but no words come out from his mouth. "Oh sorry Bakubro I am coming home soon!"- Dabi imitates Kirishima's voice looking at Eijirou's face.

"What are you even doing out at 4:30!?!"- screamed Bakugou.

"Out for fresh air."- answered Dabi with the same voice.

"Just be fast.."-mumbled the blonde boy and the call ended.

Dabi drops Kirishima's phone and starts holding him by the neck. "You still won't join us?"- he asked.


"Then be ready for a war."- Dabi said and let go making Eijirou fall on the ground taking a deep breath. "Say hi from me to your friends."- Dabi said before walking away.

"Goodbye little hero~"

Kirishima let out another scream hitting the ground as hard as he could crying.

Breakdown time!! I am sorry for Kiri so much..poor boy had been through so much in this book and there is still coming..Anyways! Thank you so much for your time! Bye !!

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