~chapter 21~

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[Bakugou's love]

Oh here he comes. With little bag at his hand?

"Late."-I mumbled.

" I am sorry!!"-he said clinging onto my arm.

"Fuck off."-I grabbed him and we walk in the cafe heading to the back where we can be left in piece. We sat down and one of the workers came to us.

" What would you like to have today?"-he smiled.

"Hot chocolate!!"-Kirishima bounce in his sit. He is acting like child!?

"Dark coffee."-I mumbled and the red head gave me a confused look.

The worker walks away.

"Dark coffee is gross."-shitty hair said sticking his tongue out.

Did I blush!?


That was adora-


"I like it."-I said.

"Blah."-he said and chuckled.

I heard his phone have a message and he took it out to check.
He is blushing..
He is blushing!?

"Oi what is happening?"-I asked.

" Denki texted me."-he said typing something.

Does he like dunce face!?

"What did he send you?"-I tried to see but he hide his phone and I glared a bit.

"Nothing important.."

I am killing this dumb idiot when I get back.

"Do.. Do you like him?"-I asked.

Kirishima looked up at me.
"Hm? No!! Oh god- Kaminari is cool and all but no!"-he said.

I smiled to myself.


Dunce face.

Can't have this sunshine.

"Oh."-I looked away and saw the boy coming back with our drinks.
He put them down and walks away.
Kirishima grab his and started drinking.

" That's amazing!?"-he said.

"Duh.Wouldn't take you here if it wasn't."-I said and he smiled.

" Thanks.. "

"Hm? No problem."

"No.. I mean thanks for helping me out there."-he said.

"Mhm.. Just.. Felt like it was my fault and couldn't help myself and came to save your ass."-I mumbled.

" Thank you."-he gave me kindly smile.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now