~chapter 34~

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Swearing and fight with gun.

[Kirishima's pov]

Last weeks everything was normal.. It was holidays so no one bring himself to talk about the villains.. But now it was time to finally to do it.
Bakugou, Aizawa and Shinsou were the people that were mostly out searching for information.
Tho they barely told me anything.. Or mom or Denki.
Well the last thing they told us was that they met face in face with Dabi.
Of course Bakugou started fighting but the villain avoided it and left without any way to find where he went.

Hawks the pro hero is down with few numbers of the ranks because of the murder he did but now he is released and helping with few things.

I still don't have my quirk.

It's not easy honestly.. It was protecting me and now I just feel useless.. Anything else.. Bakugou is being ultra overprotective.
It's kinda funny.. He gets jealous too and starts showing affection.
It's adorable.. Like hugging me close or head kisses.

I really don't want to be unmanly and force my friends to talk.. But I want to know what are they hiding from us..
If I can't have my quirk back? Just tell me.. It's not a big deal..

"Eiji.. Eat your food it's getting cold."-mom said petting my head.

I smiled and started eating.

On the table were me,my mom, Eri and Denki. Mom said that Aizawa said we could stay here as long as we want and that's sweet! Better than staying alone at our house.

"Bro you seem kinda off are you okay?"-asked Denki sipping juice for Eri.

"Yeah, I am fine just thinking about Bakugou and the others."-I said and mom looked at me.

"Honey.. Shouta said he is going to tell us everything when it's time to."-mom mumbled.

"But I am tired of waiting!? It's been 2 weeks and we know nothing! How am I supposed to protect you and myself from villains if I don't know what are they up to!?"-I snap. No I didn't want to do it.. They all looked at me with worried faces.

"Everything is going to be fine Ei-chan"-mumbled Eri making her eyes like puppy's. She started calling me that nickname about Christmas because she heard it from old videos of myself and it's cute cuz she says it the most precious way!?

I looked at her then down at my food again. "Yes.. Sorry for snapping."-I mumbled and Kaminari rub my shoulder. "It's all good man."

I smiled and continued to eat my food.

After about 3 hours we were watching film on the TV. Then we heard the door open and the first one to ran there was Eri.

But then we heard her scream.

We ran there as fast as we could.

There were two men with black glasses standing outside the door.
Eri steps back and ran to my mom.
Denki looked at me worried.

"Mom.. Take Eri up to my room and lock yourself there. Don't go out till we call you."-I whispered seeing the men entering the house.

"But Ei-"

"Mom!?"-I shouted. She grab Eri up and ran away.

"What the hell bro!? What are we going to do!?"-yelled Denki.

"Fight obviously!?"-I shouted and he made a smirk. The smirk that he does when fighting.

"You two don't stand a chance.. Give up and take us to the blue haired girl"-the taller man said taking out gun.

My eyes widened. Gun.. I don't have my quirk and Denki's one is useless at this situation!? What do I do..

"Fuck off!? Stay away"-yelled Denki glaring at the men.

He pointed the gun at him making smirk. I stand in front of him with my eyes shut.

"Take us to the girl or say goodbye to your life."-he said and I opened my eyes slowly. Kaminari put hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him.

"We are not giving Eri just like that.."-he whispered and I nod slightly.

"Come on boys.. I don't want to get my hands dirty."-the man said stepping closer pressing the gun in my breast.

I take a breath, my heart was beating hard and Denki was shaking uncomfortable.

I look around for something that will help us fix the situation..

There it is.

They both were standing under the lamp and the shorter was holding himself onto the wall next to the cables.

"Shot the lamp"-I whispered as quiet as I could that Kaminari barely heard.
He nod.

"Kid I am not messing around!?"-said the man holding the gun almost shooting.

At that time Kaminari shot the lamp. The man next to the cables was hit from electric wave strong enough to make him pass out.

"Haru!?"-shouted the man with the gun. I quickly snap it off his arms and pointed it at him. Denki gave me a confused look. My hands were shaken. I've never held a gun before..


"Kaminari."-I mumbled.

Denki shot the man with electric that knocked him out. He fall next to his friend and I dropped the gun breathing heavily.

"Kiri!? That was fucking amazing!?"-shouted Denki shaking my shoulders.

"Kaminari.. Thanks.."-I mumbled and looked at the guys.
"Let's take them in and tie them up. Aizawa has to know about this." -I said and Denki nod.

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