~chapter 35~

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Swearing and blood

[Nobody's pov]

After the two boys tie the villains up they sit in front of them and sigh.

"Kiri.. You are shaking?"-said the blonde boy.

"It's nothing.."-whispered the other boy looking at the males.

"Hey,we did it? It's all good now."-said Kaminari giving his friend a warm smile.

"No it's not. They wanted to get Eri.. The poor girl has been though a lot.. And now this again.. We don't even know when Aizawa and the others are coming back.. The only thing we can do to help now is wait.. And find out what they need Eri for."-said Kirishima standing off his sit and heading to the bar.

"You are weird.."-mumbled Denki.
Kirishima raised eyebrow and looks at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I miss the old Kiri.. You are.. Well.. More cold.. I don't know how to explain it.."-mumbled the blond boy.

Kirishima put a cup on the bar and takes something to drink.
"You are saying I am not that friend from yours anymore like I was?"

"Yes.. But don't get me-"

"No I understand. I know I am different.. After the kidnapping I realized to much things that changed my way of thinking.. Guess I am bad friend now.. "-said Kiri taking a sip from his drink.

"I didn't mean that! I just want the old Kirishima!"-yelled Denki. The two men in front of him move a little and he steps away.

"I can't turn back time Kaminari.."-mumbled the red head.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to sound like that I swear."-Kami said.

"Mm.. It's okay. You are right so it's not a problem"-smiled Kirishima.

Kaminari frowned. He knew that he hurt Eijirou and he really wants to tell him he is sorry but his red head will always deny and say it's his fault.. So he goes along with it.

"Ugh.."-groaned the taller guy looking up at the boys. "What the hell!?"

"Keep it down."-said Kirishima making his hand in fist. Kaminari put hand on his shoulder and gave him a look. Kiri calm his hand and looks at the other male who wakes up too.
"Now you will tell us everything that you know.."

"Like I would!?"-yelled the shorter man.

"Yes you will. Don't even try.. It's either you telling me or me forcing you to tell me"-Kiri smirks. Denki pull him one step back and shakes him.
"Dude the hell happened with you!?"


"You act like... Like a villain!? I know you are not okay right now but you have to calm down.."-he said looking Kiri at the eyes.

Kirishima blinks two times and looks back at Denki.
"M.. Sorry.."-he mumbled.
Kaminari smiled.

They walk back to the guys and their eyes widened. One of them was untied and was holding a knife.
Kirishima and Kaminari had to remove all their weapons before they tie them up but they probably didn't see that one.

"Stay back or we all are getting dirty."-said the man taking step closer to them.

Kaminari made electric blast in the cable that made the entire room dark.

"What the hell!?"-yelled one of the males.

From trainings with All Might Kirishima and Kaminari knew how to switch different senses and now could easily win against those guys.

Meanwhile with Eri and Hiriko..

"Hiri... Are these guys going to hurt us.?"-whispered the little girl hugging onto the woman.

"N-no.. No Eri I promise.. Everything is going to be fine.."-whispered Hiriko petting her hair.

"What about Ei-chan and Kaminari-kun..?"-Eri said looking the woman in the eyes.

"They are strong and will defeat them."-said the black haired mom.
"Let's talk about something else.. To distract ourselves.?"

"Your wedding!"-the little girl bounce happily.

Hiriko blushed and smiled.
"You are really excited huh.?"

"Yes.. After all I am going to be your bridesmaid.. And we all will wear beautiful dresses.. And that's the first time I am going to be on a wedding"-Eri smiled playing with Hiri's hair.

"Awh sweety"-Hiri kissed her forehead.

From the first floor there could be heard fights, swearing, breaking things and loud shouting.


"Hey Eri wanna search around for old pics of Eijirou?"-the woman said trying to take the attention of the light blue haired girl.

"Oh yes!!"-she said.

At that time they heard loud groan.
They both froze.

"Kirishima!?"-was heard from downstairs. The mom's blood run cold.

What's happening downstairs.. The light was off and Kirishima and Kaminari were trying to knock out the males but one of them still had the knife.

Kaminari was fighting with one of them accidentally breaking one vase when he heard his red head friend's groan. "Kirishima!?"

"Get off me stupid boy!?"-said one of the males.

Denki was shaking. There wasn't any sound from his friend and the two guys we're strong. He put his hands on the man's shoulders and shoot him with electric wave. The man made loud painful sound and fall on the ground.

"Where are you kid!?"-yelled the other male searching in the dark.
From the little light Kami made with his quirk he could see right where was standing his enemy. He walks there and without hesitation does the same thing he did earlier. This time both males didn't pass out. They were just in shock from the pain.

"Kirishima.. Answer me..!"-he shouted trying to find his friend.

He takes a candle from the bar and lights it up. He first looked at the guys and sigh. They were shaking uncomfortable. He then search the area for Eijirou and when he saw him he gasped.

"Kirishima!?!"-he yelled running towards his friend.

"m.. Alright.."-mumbled the red head.
He was holding himself onto the wall with his hand over his right side.

"Kiri.."-the blonde boy whispered tearing up.

"We are back!!"-voice said.

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