~chapter 38~

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Swearing and blood.

 [Bakugou's pov ]

"It's been whole month.!? We have to speed up"-I yelled at Aizawa. We were going to one of the laboratories for heroes.
For materials.. Well not for us but we needed to hide them from crusty face..

"I am trying Bakugou. I really am.. But it's hard.."-said Aizawa.

Shinsou turns to me and tap my shoulder.
"Come on dude.. It's gonna be okay.. And we sure are going to finish before the wedding.. Right dad?"-he said glancing to the black haired man.

"Mm.. Sure. I guess.."-he mumbled. He definitely didn't know..

"Is this the right time to have wedding!?"-i yelled.

"Yes, the best time. The wedding will cheer up everyone"-said Shinsou smiling a bit.

"You may be right-"-I tried to say when my phone rang. I picked it up and-

"Oi Katsuki!?? When are you going to take the dog!?! It's been month!!! Me and your dad are going on businesses trip and we can't watch it!?"-yelled my lovely mother.

"Oi bitch!? I have more important work than yours!?! So watch it till I am done!?"-I yelled at the phone and got stare by Shinsou who was on the edge of bursting out laughing and Aizawa who was just with his eyebrow raised.

"Don't swear brat!?! You have 5 days to take it or I am taking it forever!?!"-she said and I frowned.

"You can't just take my dog old hag!?! Just... Watch it-"-I was talking when Aizawa showed his hand in front of my face to shut up.

"I will talk to you later."-I put my phone back and looked at what Aizawa was looking.

It was the scar dude. He was sneaking out of the laboratory with black bag on his back.

"This bitch-"-I mumbled when I saw the devil looking at us.

"Okay let's just begin with the fight."-said Shinsou rolling his eyes.
I ran towards Dabi and made huge explosion that pushed him in the wall making his back bleed. He made fire wall that sent me back at Shinsou. Aizawa erased his quirk and caught him in the scarf. Damn that was fast..he didn,t even try?

"let..let me go."-he said calmly brushing his hands in his jacket from the blood.

"like hell we will!?Motherfucker you are going in the prison!!"-i yelled at him but Aizawa raised his hand.

"what's in the bag..?"-he asked the scar dude.

"none of your business."- he answered but I grab the bag and opened it.I frowned..inside were only food and drinks. "What the fuck?!"

Aizawa and Shinsou looked too.

"wait then why were you in the laboratory.."-asked the purple haired boy.

He didn't answer..And then we heard loud crash.

We ran to the place and it was the back of laboratory!?

There wasn't anyone else than beaten guards..fire and destroyed wall..

Oh fuck.

They got it..


"Shit.."-was the only thing that Aizawa said before we started looking around the place.

 [Shigaraki's piv]

We got it!!We did it!!

We had to take those materials for the drug so we made plan that me and Toga are going to sneak in placing explosion while Dabi distracts Eraserhead and then we take what we need.

The explosion lasted just on time!

Now me and Toga were running back to our place where we would see with Dabi..

"Shiggy..is this the last thing we do before the-"

"yes..don't worry Toga we will defeat that heroes and revenge for Twice."-i said and she looked away nodding slowly.

When we got back we saw our friend just coming back.I was going to say something for teasing but then i saw his walking was strange..I rushed over to him with Toga and looked at his back that was in blood.He started losing control and then I caught him. "You okay..?"

"could be better.."-he smirked as we walk inside placing him on the couch.

"You did good job."-i said and he nod. "Yeah right"-he laugh.

Toga wasn't her usual self anymore.She didn't freak out from the blood..now she bandages him without even saying a word or without taking some of it..Poor girl..Twice's death really shake her. No one else is dying..I promise.We won't miss this chance for win. "you two can rest for today.."- i mumbled and both looked at me.

"Hah nice joke"- Dabi said laughing and leaving his head to lay on the pillow. Toga looked down. "What about you?"

"Uh..well i will work on the drug.."-i said and she frowned. "No wait..you should rest too.It was hard day for all of us.."



 [Kirishima's pov ]

"So I think you should come with us?Even just to go eat somewhere or something.."-said Fatgum from the phone.

"Not sure Fat.."-i mumbled. Actually I was dying to go out with Tamaki-senpai and Fatgum but I am scared I may do something wrong..and without my quirk.

"Please Red..we miss you..and TetsuTetsu is going to be here too!!"-he said happily,I swear I could see his smile.

"Okay fine..but maybe at uh.."-I looked at the date..23.02 Monday. "at Wednesday?"

"Okay!!We are coming to get you at Wednesday!"-he said and i smiled. "hah..I have to go,can i call you later?"- i asked. "Sure thing kid!Talk to you later!"-the call ended and i throw my phone at the bed. 

I walk out of my room and put my shoes on.Then when i was just going out Denki grab my hand. "Where are you going bro?"

"My house..i need a few things."- i said and he let go off me. "I am coming with you!!"- he said putting his shoes on. "If you want.."- I smiled and he gave me a thumb up.

We walk out heading to my place.


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