~chapter 4~

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Swearing and angst

We reached the dorms and before we even get in , our classmates ran out and started asking questions.

"What happened!?"
"Did you defeat the villain!?!"
"Are you all okay"

There were to many questions and Bakugou started getting annoyed. Luckily sensei told them to go to their rooms and they did continued whispering between each other.

"I want to talk with you four.. In my dorm. Go put your stuffs in your rooms and come to mine."- Aizawa said looking at us.

" Ai, ai!! " - Kaminari shouted and ran away in the dorms.
Sero nodded and followed him.

"You need any help shitty hair?"- Bakugou looked at me with serious face.

" Ah.. I think I can do it myself!! "-I smiled as he rolled his eyes.
We walked in the dorms and straight to our rooms. I left my phone and wallet here.I don't know when or what stopped me but for a moment I was just sitting on my bed staring at the corner thinking about the fight.. And of course I heard annoyed-

" Oi idiot!! Come on before I break your other arm too!!"

I sighed and walked out of the room facing Bakugou.

"What took you so long??! I've knocked on your room and you didn't answer!!"-he said.

I looked at him and smiled lil.

" Hah sorry... Must've zoned out."- I mumbled as he gave me confused look.

"Whatever, let's go."- he pushed me by the shoulder heading to Aizawa's dorm. I ran after him and we reached it. I knock and heard little "come in.",Bakugou grabbed my hand and walked in the room. I closed the door behind my back and looked around. Sero and Denki were sitting on the couch completely silent.


"Sit down you two."- Aizawa said.

I set down next to Kaminari. He looks at me but didn't say anything. Bakugou set next to me leaning on the pillow.

" As you four know.. It was dangerous and unprofessional from you to fight with that Nomu-" - started Aizawa before he was cut by Bakugou.

"You expect me to stay away watching people die!?"-he yelled.

" Bakugou I am not saying that!! You were lucky to come back safe!! But Kirishima took a lot of damage and it's not even done!!?"- he said at Bakugou who just set looking away pissed off.

"Sensei.. What do you mean by it's not over.?"-I asked looking at the ground.

" The Nomu is let out by the league.. And unfortunately... It's after you."

I shook my head.. I knew that but I completely forgot.. And what the hell do they need from me..

"And what!? We are gonna stay here letting them find a way to take Kirishima!? Is that all??" - Bakugou shouted.

"You don't understand how dangerous is this situation !If we attack and we fail we will probably get ourselves killed. So you better stop that shit."- Aizawa said and looked at me.

"Kirishima.. Have you ever talk with anyone from the league.?"

I stayed with my eyes widened. Did he-
I am not a traitor!!I wouldn't do that-

"You think Kirishima is with the league!?"- Bakugou shouted getting up.

" But Kiri is the most-"- Kaminari started.

"I am not thinking that! I just want to see if there is any reason for them needing him. Sit back on your asses and stop playing around."

"I've never talked with anyone from the league directly.." - I said looking at Aizawa.

He sigh. "That means we don't have any information unless that they are after Kirishima.That's so messed up.. Go to your rooms.. I will talk with Endeavor and Hawks about it and I will inform your parents about the attack."- he said.

" Sensei.. Were we wrong to fight? " - asked Sero heading to the door.

He thought for a moment then looks at us.
"No.. You saved the people at the restaurant.. So that's good."
He smiled a bit.

"Goodnight sir."- said Denki and left the room with Sero and Bakugou.

" Goodn-"

"Be extremely careful. I know you can't use your quirk for awhile but make sure you can protect yourself if there is need of that."- he said putting hand on my shoulder.

" Okay sensei. Thank you and goodnight! " - I said smiling.

He let go and I went to my room seeing angry Bakugou on the door.

"What's up dude.?" - I said taking my key out of my pocket.

"What's up dude!?You are wanted by the league of villains!!"- he said making little explosions in his fists.

" Calm down.. As long as I stay away from danger everything will be fine."

I pushed him off the door and unlock my room.

"Goodnight man."- I said closing the door. Before I do that he put his leg and stopped it.

"Shitty hair.. This is serious."

"Bakugou.. I know.. "

"Then stop being a dumbass."

"Goodnight Bakugou."

He let go of the door. I heard his steps and finally he reached his dorm.
I removed my T-shirt and laid on the bed.

Now the only thing that is in my mind is the villains... And what would they do with me..Why would they want from someone like me..


"That's something that your friend Blasty.. Won't be able to get over it."

"Don't ever talk about him!!"

"And what are you going to do about it.. Fight me?"


"Now let's go for that boy."


"NO" - I woke up panting and sweating. That.. What the hell was that.. Who was the-... No.. Why.. Why-

-knock knock-

I heard something from my balcony. Should I go look..? What if... No.. They can't be here..


Heya!! Sorry for
updating so slowly
I had many exams to do!!
Anyways!! I think like
I have to add other in the story
but I wonder who??
Thank you for reading
my story, bye!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now