Chapter 28

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Hello munchkins, I'm going to be pretty busy today so I'll only be posting one chapter. I'm so sorry, but tomorrow's update is going to be very... eventful. I'll leave it at that 😏

Third Person's POV

Felix and Pia found themselves seated in the audience, much closer than they were yesterday. They could see the little particles of confetti and glitter dusted the stage from their seats. Pia had insisted the couple leave their room early to get better seats. Felix admired how committed she was to support his brother and Mila and it made him excited for the performance as well. 

His mother sat to the right of them, grateful that Felix had saved her a seat. He was disappointed to learn that Stefan had left after Ajax's performance last night to attend a last minute meeting. He knew his little brother would be crushed when he found out.  

Zoe was curious to see how her son would perform with his new partner in the final round. She was only familiar with Anna and knew enough about her to dislike the blonde. 

Somehow the audience was still as crowded as yesterday despite 15 of the 17 competitors being eliminated. They had stuck around to watch the final performance. 

The three hadn't gotten a chance to see Mila and Ajax before their performance but Zoe had sent her son a text of good luck earlier. She wanted him to know that she fully supported him. 

Back in Berlin, the studio chattered with excitement as hushed whispers filled the main room. A large TV broadcasted the performance live on YouTube. 

"I'm so nervous for them," Lena mumbled.

"Me too," Gabby whispered, her leg bouncing up and down. 

Max and Dean were both silent as they held their breaths, watching in anticipation. Adam was worse as he had turned 3 shades paler and slumped against the wall. The stakes were high and so were the nerves. 

Mila had a death grip on Ajax's hand once again as he stood with his arms around her neck. Her back pressed lightly against his chest as she held his hands in front of her. He preferred having her close to him. Ajax was glad she seemed to be doing much better than earlier this morning. His eyes would constantly drift to her, making sure she was okay. His thumb brushed gently over her hand providing distraction as she focused on the tingling feeling. 

"You're on in 3 minutes," the stage manager said, looking down at his clipboard. 

Soon things were moving too fast, even for Ajax. He knew this would be hard. They were up against the best team from those original 14 competitors. If they lost, they would have to say goodbye to the international championships. 

"We got this. We're just doing our regular routine," he whispered in Mila's ear as they began walking towards the stage. 

 He knew it would be hard for her to walk onto the stage alone. The opening scene was her solo before he would later appear to dance beside her. 

"Go," he nodded as Mila hesitated to walk onto the stage. 

That one word gave her enough strength to bound gracefully to her spot in the center of the stage. Her legs trembled, her fingers wavering slightly as she stood in her starting position. The bright spotlights blinded her once again as the music began filtering from the speakers. 

^dance up there :) - If The World Was Ending - Erica Klein 

I tried to imagine, your reaction 

It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened

But it really got me thinkin' that night we went drinkin'

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