Chapter 10

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Mila's POV

"I won't drop you, I promise," Ajax said, holding my hands tightly as I stood in front of him. My heart pounded and I was too nervous to respond so I just nodded.

"1, 2, 3, lift!" Adam called and I felt my feet lift the floor. My back was against Ajax's chest and his hands were under my arms. I spread my arms out, my legs in almost a split in a star shape. He moved me to the side.

"See, not so bad," Ajax smiled. My heart warmed at how supportive he was being.

We spent the next hour working our way up from baby lifts to more complex ones. The amount of focus it was taking from me was making my head ache as I concentrated so hard on balancing my weight evenly.

I tightened my core muscles as Ajax lifted me over his shoulder, folding my right leg and extending my arms. My back arched over his hands as they pushed against my spine. I breathed in as I held my pose over his head. I could feel his movements shift as he brought me down, my feet securely on the ground.

"You're doing really good," he smiled, handing me my water bottle and I smiled meekly.

"Looking a little less pale than when we started," he joked.

"Thanks," I mumbled, rolling my eyes playfully.

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"Mila, you're doing choreo for this dance. I have to help Anna a bit so I don't have much time and you two need to get started," Adam said. I looked up at him in surprise.


"You heard me. And please, don't kill each other," he added, looking between Ajax and I. With that, he disappeared behind the door.

"Lovely," I muttered, laying down on the floor.

"You know the floor is dirty, right?"

"Yeah, so is your mind but you don't hear me complaining," I muttered earning a snort from him.

"God, tell me why I even put up with you," he chuckled, shaking his head.

I arched my back up, feeling the satisfying stretch in my spine. Laying on the floor always released the pressure from my spine caused by my scoliosis.

"You good?" Ajax asked, his voice sounding from above me. I cracked open one eye to see him leaning over me, his necklace dangling loosely.

"Eh, pretty good," I shrugged, sitting up.

"Good, let's start on the choreo. What do you have in mind?"

I laid out a rough plan that I had in mind. We had to make sure the dance had the unique factors in it because from what I had seen, judges tend to pick the most out of the box routines to advance to the International competition.

Ajax listened intently, giving criticism when necessary and agreeing when he thought it was a good idea. He cracked a lot of jokes too which was nice because it kept things from getting boring. We managed to get a lot done while still having fun.

"That's so stupid! Why would you do that?" I gasped, doubling over in laughter

"I didn't know there was a difference between baking soda and baking powder! And I didn't know it would blow up!" he replied indignantly.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm trash at chemistry too," I chuckled.

We both turned our heads as the door squeaked open.

"Wow, you two look like you're having fun," Lena smirked, wiggling her brows.

"We're halfway done with the choreo. We just have to add the spice to it," I grinned, sharing a look with Ajax.

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