Chapter 9

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Mila's POV

Anger. That's all I felt when I spotted Ajax in the dance studio the next day. I ignored him, slipping through the door to the far end of the room. My head was killing me, probably from the intense wave of emotions crashing over me.

Part of me wanted to scream at him and hit him on the head with a frying pan, but part of me wanted him to think I was fine. Catch him off guard with my indifference. I decided to go with the latter, remembering how my lack or reaction irked him.

"Any theme for nationals?" I asked, slipping off my sweatshirt. I was wearing a pair black leggings from my stash of hundreds with leg warmers and a fitted long sleeved shirt.

"Nope, they let you choose but it needs to be unique. You're allowed to mix styles," Adam replied, reading off his laptop.

"Great, any ideas Ajax?" I asked, raising a brow as I turned to look at him.

"Uh, not yet," he muttered avoiding my gaze.

"Well, I have one," I said, sending him a sweet smile.

"Do tell," Adam nodded.

I started off trying to articulate my idea so they could understand. I knew we were decent at synchronizing our movements, or at least I was. We could highlight that if we did our dance blindfolded. It would be a challenge to learn the choreography without being able to see, but I think we could do it.

"So you're saying you want to learn the entire choreo and perform blindfolded?" Ajax asked incredulously.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"A problem? Yeah, my problem is that it's a fucking stupid idea," he scoffed.

"Hey, relax. I think you could make it work," Adam interrupted. I could tell Ajax was fuming, his jaw ticking making me snicker quietly.

Not gonna lie, Ajax was pretty hot when he was angry.

"You're not serious? She's insane!"

"Ajax! Take a walk," Adam demanded, pointing his finger to the door.

"What has gotten into him?" Adam mumbled, watching him storm out the door.

"God knows," I sighed.

-  - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - -- - - - -

My head was killing me as I stepped out into the frigid evening. The street lights had just turned on, casting a yellow glow on the streets. My converse scuffed against he concrete as I walked ,my breath clouding as I breathed out.

My heart pounded as a car came up beside me and my legs got ready to bolt.

"Get in the car Mila," Ajax's voice commanded gruffly.

Yes dadd- fuck. Bad Mila. No.

"No," I stated and continued walking.

"Get in the damn car before I fucking shove you in," he growled.

"You wouldn't," I narrowed my eyes at him. But from the rolled down window I could see the 'wanna bet' look on his face. I let out an annoyed sigh, getting into the car.

He had a sleek black BMW with heated seats that warmed my freezing body. The smell of his cologne wrapped around me, and I felt butterflies awaken in my stomach.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly, turning to look at him. My eyes flitted over his features, taking in his handsome face.

"Somewhere," he replied shortly. I sighed, leaning back in my seat. My hands flew to my temples, gently massaging them to ease the pain. The slight rumble of the car lulled me to sleep as I felt my eyes close.

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