Chapter 21

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A/N: I hope u guys enjoy this one 😉 

^the video is up there :))

Mila's POV

Oh frickety frack. I'm going to be late.

"Hey Siri!"

No response.

"Hey Siri!"

No response.

"Hey Siri, you deaf piece of shit!"

"I'm here! How may I help you?"

I muttered a 'finally' under my breath, shaking my head.

"What's the weather today?"

"The weather in Berlin is currently 46 degrees Fahrenheit. Snowfall is predicted to begin at 7:36 and last for 3 hours."

I felt my heart flutter at the thought of snow. Growing up in Canada, you would think I was sick of it. But every year when snow season began, I had a field day. I loved snow.

I hurried to slip on my running shoes after I threw on a sports jacket and my black yoga leggings. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I grabbed my keys and flew out the door.

Of course the weather was freezing, but I had to get my run in. My body was itching to burst out the door and down the street.

My nose went numb as my feet pounded against the pavement as I headed towards Ajax's house. Lena had given me his address yesterday. She explained to me that he lived in Berlin with his family most of his life which is why he had his own flat. He didn't need to stay in a dorm like Lena who was originally from Dresden.

"Hey," I panted, coming up to Ajax's car just as he was locking his front door.

"What the fuck Mila. Did you run all the way here?" he exclaimed, staring at me in shock. I nodded, still catching my breath.

"Jesus Christ, are all Canadian women insane like you?" he asked, hurrying to unlock his car.

"Dunno, you should see for yourself during internationals," I chuckled, getting into his Mercedes. I was always glad he had a luxury car, now more than ever as the seats heated up.

I glared at Ajax as he reached over and bopped my nose.

"Looks like Rudolf's got some competition," he joked and I laughed, holding my hands up to the heater.

"It's going to snow today!" I sang, looking out the window as Ajax began to drive.

"Are you a fellow snow lover?"

"Yup," I nodded, grinning at him when he glanced over at me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hello children! Nice to meet you!" an old woman cooed, shaking our hands despite them being ice cubes.

I could practically feel my eyebrows get lost in my hairline as she launched into a rapid string of German that I couldn't comprehend.

Slow down woman, where's the fire?

Ajax's chuckle came out in a low rumble as he walked beside me, following the old woman into the studio.

"She wants you to get changed in that room into some clothes. She says they're new," he translates, pointing to a small door in the corner. I nod, taking the clothes and thanking her.

It was a bralette top with denim jean shorts and a flannel. Not too bad considering I had said I preferred that they choose the outfit. My indecisive ass could never.

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